The Limited Times

Biden's test: Will Virginia move to Republicans? | Israel today

11/2/2021, 8:03:31 PM

President suffers from a slump in his popularity and is now in danger of losing a key state in the southeast of the state • The last time a Republican governor was elected in Virginia was in 2009

Virginia residents will decide tonight (Tuesday through Wednesday) who will be their governor, in what may be a clear hint of the mood of voters across America a year before the midterm congressional elections in Washington.

The two candidates are former Gov. Democrat Terry McCulliff, and his Republican opponent, businessman Glenn Youngkin, who recently managed to close the gap with McCulliff and even leads the polls by a narrow margin.

In light of Virginia being a key state, Democrats and Republicans turned the battle into a struggle for America's character.

While Democrats have been warning in recent days that choosing Yangkin is in fact a choice in Trump's party politics (which he lost in Virginia in 2016 and 2020), Republicans warn that McCulliff will raise taxes and hurt businesses because of socialist plans.

"Trump wants to win here so he can announce his entry into the 2024 presidential race," McCulliff said recently.

And his opponent sent a similar message: "The shock echoes from our country will reach everywhere in America so that Democrats know that no seat is in their pocket."

The Republican nominee for governor of Virginia, Glenn Jungkin,

In recent days Democrats have suffered an image blow when it was revealed that one of the groups on the left has hired volunteers impersonating white racists who express support for Yangkin in order to embarrass him among moderate and independent voters. Either way, it seems that given the former governor's close and discriminatory battle in the polls despite his popularity, Democrats appear to be embarking on a recent "Gueld" campaign designed to remind state residents that Youngkin would plunge Virginia into a perpetual culture war, hoping to detail The Independents in Virginia, thanks to whom Trump has not won the state twice.

Virginia was once a Republican state but over the years Democrats have been able, largely thanks to internal immigration in the U.S., to turn it into a left-leaning state. The last time a Republican governor was elected was in 2009. Riding on the aversion to politically correct ideas in schools and promised to give parents more authority to determine curriculum.If the Republicans return to power it will be first and foremost a blow to President Joe Biden, who is in the polls due to the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the continued Corona plague.

Democratic candidate Terry McCulliff, Photo: Reuters

At the same time, New York mayoral elections will be held today, and judging by history, an easy victory is expected for the Democratic candidate, as the number of voters identified with the Democratic Party is seven times greater than those identified for the opposing camp.

The Democratic nominee is Eric Adams, a former police officer who is now a senior figure in the Brooklyn local government.

The Republican candidate is Curtis Sliva, who is known as a radio presenter who also formed a group of Civil Guards designed to fight crime in the city.

He is also an avid fan of cats and has adopted a lot.

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