The Limited Times

Corona rules tightened in Bavaria: Söder announces drastic measures

11/3/2021, 3:42:41 PM

Region - The Bavarian state government is reacting to the increasing corona numbers: There are stricter rules, the hospital traffic light has been redefined.

Region - The Bavarian state government is reacting to the increasing corona numbers: There are stricter rules, the hospital traffic light has been redefined.

  • The hospital traffic light also changes to yellow for 450 intensive care beds across Bavaria

  • The hospital traffic light turns red for 600 intensive care beds across Bavaria

  • Yellow level: FFP2 masks, conversion from 3G to 3G-plus, conversion from 3G-plus to 2G

  • Red level: 3G at the workplace, expansion 2G, 3G-plus for gastronomy

  • Separate hotspot regulations

Due to the increasing corona numbers in Bavaria, the state government around Prime Minister Markus Söder has announced stricter rules.

Among other things, the hospital traffic light has been redefined.

The 14th Bavarian Infection Protection Measures Ordinance will be changed with effect from

Saturday (November 6th)

in the following points:

Hospital traffic light on yellow

The traffic light now jumps at 1200 Covid patients in Bavarian hospitals in the last seven days and throughout Bavaria

450 occupied intensive care beds

to the level



Then new corona protective measures come into force: The

FFP2 mask requirement

comes into force again.

Where the 3G rule (vaccinated, recovered, tested) previously applied, the

3G plus rule (PCR instead of rapid

test) now applies


Where previously 3G-plus applied,



(vaccinated, recovered)


Retail and public transport are excluded.

In the case of 3G, it remains in the higher education sector and in training institutions.

For clubs, discos, brothels and comparable leisure facilities, 2G is mandatory for the yellow level.

Hospital traffic light on red

The traffic light turns red as soon as

more than 600 intensive care beds

across the country


occupied with Covid patients


At the red level, for example, the

3G rule at the workplace

and a significant

expansion of the 2G rule




this case, the

3G-plus rule

applies in the

catering sector



tested still need a PCR test).

Mask requirement in schools

The Bavarian state government has also decided to temporarily reintroduce the mask requirement in Bavaria's schools.

After the autumn break, masks must be worn in the primary schools for one week and in the secondary schools for two weeks, regardless of the minimum distance, as the cabinet decided on Wednesday in Munich.

More information:

More information on the new Corona rules is available from the Bavarian State Government.

Extension of the quarantine

According to the state government, there are always cases in which the corona infection was only found in a close contact of an infected person after the end of the quarantine, which was shortened to 5 days by the negative test.

The Bavarian State Ministry for Health and Care has therefore increased the quarantine period for close contacts to at least

7 days


In order to safely interrupt the chain of infection in regions with a high infection rate, the possibility of free testing for close contact persons will also no longer be possible in the future and the quarantine period will generally be

10 days


Special rules for hotspots

In view of the different infection rates in the various regions of Bavaria, a regional hotspot regulation is also being introduced.

The following applies: In

rural districts

that belong to a control center area in which the available

intensive care beds are

already at least

80 percent full

, and in which a

7-day incidence of 300 is exceeded

, the measures that apply to a nationwide

red hospital

traffic lights would apply.

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