The Limited Times

Opinion | Time to put in traffic jams | Israel today

11/3/2021, 9:49:07 PM

Every driver and driver experiences their meat every morning, from year to year how the fast road has already turned from their side to the road. After the closures and the silence of the roads, when everything stops and I start anew, there is a feeling that there is silence in the lighthouse. This one bisector Isral Bcl Cbis and Mslol, Sirot Mbksot Cbr Lfrtz unto it to the city, Gm Fsi Hrcbt Hs

Every driver and driver experiences their meat

every morning, from year to

year how the fast road has already

turned from their side to the road.

After the closures and the silence of the roads, when

everything stops and I start anew,

there is a feeling that

there is silence in the lighthouse.

This one bisector Isral Bcl Cbis and Mslol,

Sirot Mbksot Cbr Lfrtz unto it to the city,

Gm Fsi Hrcbt Hsri Hhsmol

there is not Bhm Hlofh Lmtzb Hmhmir.

Once again the time is set for him in the cork of the Wise in

minutes, in the expectation of life, in recitation, from the

value, from the length, from the

improvisation as in the past.

For years they have been talking about the condition of the roads,

paving and digging, laying another fence.

"It's going to happen, there is a vision to be fulfilled," they

promise, and in the meantime it's just deteriorating.

The vision goes away, the history testifies, a

hundred years ago (and this is not a legend)

from generation to

generation a camel from Amnech the rich.

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