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"Leave a legacy and a big mark": brothers Jackie and Maxim were laid to rest after getting rid of Corona | Israel today

11/4/2021, 2:36:40 PM

The two brothers became infected in Corona and passed away yesterday (Wednesday), after battling the disease • Maxim could not be vaccinated due to health condition, while Jackie chose not to be vaccinated for ideological reasons • Jackie's daughter, Adele, said in pain: "When my father fell ill and more Was conscious, he said that people who spread the vaccines against vaccines are bad people and that they do not understand the facts and meanings "

The double tragedy of the Edri family: The two brothers Jackie and Maxim Edri, who died one after the other yesterday (Wednesday) in two different hospitals in the country in the corona wards, were laid to rest in the Dimona cemetery.

Maxim (Nissim), the youngest of them, could not be vaccinated against the virus due to his medical condition, and his brother Yitzhak (Jackie), a member of the Dimona Council between 2018-2013, was not vaccinated for ideological reasons.

Both were infected in the same place and died at the same hours.

"My father opposed vaccines," Jackie's daughter, Adele, said. But when she recounted her father's last moments, she sought to convey an important message regarding corona vaccines: "When he got sick and was still conscious he said that people who spread the vaccines against vaccines are bad people who do not know what this disease is. He said he regretted not getting vaccinated. People do not understand The facts and meanings. "

"When two brothers go within this hour a severe blow to the family. They were amazing people and struggled with the serious illness for three weeks, until their condition worsened. For two weeks they were anesthetized and respirated," the daughter said, adding: "My father was also an amazing grandfather, I live in Rosh Pina And when I had to, he would travel six hours by bus to take care of his grandchildren. "

In her remarks, Adele described her father, Jackie, as a man who is all about giving - especially to the public and the petty citizen: "He sat hungry for three weeks in the war against water corporations."

About his younger brother Nissim (Maxim), she said that "he repented a few years ago. He wrote three books and raised three children. They grew up like twins over the years."

The mayor of Dimona, Bnei Bitton, paid tribute in a long post he wrote about his friends: "That in their lives and deaths they did not part, but left a legacy and a great imprint, each in his own way."

"I knew Jackie as a child," Bitton wrote, adding: "Jackie studied with me in class, played handball with me and even then I knew he would be a fighter. He served in the civil service and later in his civilian life was a fighter for justice, a social activist, a member of a city council, who fought many and important injustices, while sometimes sacrificing his livelihood and the future of his dear family. "On land prices, he fought the water corporations, set up an association to provide educational support for contractor children and sought to redress years of injustice. Even sometimes when we did not agree with you, we wanted to believe that you were right, because your teaching was full of love and giving."

"Today we are also saying goodbye with great pain to Maxim, Jackie's brother - the sons of the late Esther and Abraham, the late brothers Liron - who ascended to heaven about two years ago, and brothers to Sharona who will live. Maxim was an exemplary family man, humble and humble, who together Aliza - his wife who will live, raised their children to glory while educating them to good values.Maxim was an extraordinary man, whose life was sacred, full of faith and doing for others - and all very modestly, while moving away from respect, like fire.Maxim was a model for family admiration And to many others, whom he embraced with his wide heart, "Bitton wrote.

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