The Limited Times

Green pass: Trieste Police Headquarters, compliance with prescriptions or arrest

11/6/2021, 10:49:24 AM

If "all the requirements of the Public Safety Authority" are not complied with, the Police Headquarters will evaluate "the individual positions of the organizers and demonstrators in relation to the provision of art. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 06 NOV - If "all the prescriptions of the Public Security Authority" are not complied with, the Police Headquarters will evaluate "the individual positions of the organizers and demonstrators in relation to the provision of art. 18 paragraph 5 of the TULPS" according to which " violators of the prohibition or prescription of the Authority are punished with imprisonment for up to one year and with a fine from € 206 to € 413 ".

This was reported by a note from the Trieste Police Headquarters in response to the CoordinamentoNoGreenpass which announced that at the demonstration today the obligations of mask and allocation will be respected, but not to constitute a security service.


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