The Limited Times

Opinion | It is now possible and obligatory to take care of the periphery Israel today

11/7/2021, 9:37:16 PM

The Coalition for Change owes a value, but also a political, debt to the social peripheries. In 2018, a revolution took place. Data from the Ministry of Education showed that Ramat Hasharon students received an outstanding matriculation certificate 50 times (!) More than students from Sderot, Rahat and Ofakim. The government convened for an emergency hearing, at the end of which the Prime Minister and the Minister of Education announced a decade-long plan to reduce disparities. A plan to

In 2018, a revolution took place.

Data from the Ministry of Education showed that Ramat Hasharon students received an outstanding matriculation certificate 50 times (!) More than students from Sderot, Rahat and Ofakim.

The government convened for an emergency hearing, at the end of which the Prime Minister and the Minister of Education announced a decade-long plan to reduce disparities. A plan to budget teachers and schools in the periphery has been launched, and results are now being seen.

sounds logical?

Indeed, except that the data is all fiction.

No one came together, no one was given responsibility, and the gaps only grew.

This is the legacy of the Netanyahu governments and those before them.

Is it all behind us?

The answer is - not clear.

As in this story about the butterfly in the king's hand, the choice is in the hands of the "Coalition of Change".

She wants you to kill the chance for change, and she wants to live it.

Now, a moment after the budget is approved, the test is reaching the critical stage.

The Coalition for Change owes a value, but also a political, debt to the social peripheries.

The despair and alienation from the system, which does not see us from a shower, led to particularly low voter turnout in the Likud strongholds and the possibility that was opened for the formation of a new government.

This debt will not be repaid by slogans on "social budget", nor even positive actions of one government ministry or another.

The peripheries need a real revolution in thinking, planning, and especially in the implementation of influential government policy.

Now is the time to plan and carry out the revolution.

Not only for the benefit of the children of the periphery, but especially for society as a whole, which needs them as our next engine of growth and prosperity.

What will this revolution look like?

Build a plan for equal opportunities in education, which will include adding and shifting resources to the periphery: incentives for teachers, opening new majors, investing in equipment and tutoring, direct grants to children for hot meals, quality classes and meaningful teaching - all in free education without winks;

Promoting the fight against poverty, in the concept of the Alluf program initiated by Meir Cohen, Minister of Welfare, during his first term in office in 2014;

A systemic response to housing (including public housing, which needs tens of thousands of units), employment (emphasis on quality training), education, culture and welfare.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Free bachelor's degree for girls and boys in the periphery;

True public medicine, which will mow down the thriving private insurance market;

Unification of development cities and regional councils, to create partnerships and eliminate destructive competition;

And even regional elections, as is customary in all Western democracies.

This is the duty of the change coalition.

Have the political power and time to do the right thing.

It is also in the political interest of those who must understand that the next elections will be decided in the periphery as well as those that follow, and must create a process of disconnection between the destructive identity of the peripheries with the Likud in which I grew up and was completely disgusted.

There is no better time to bring about this revolution.

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