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Opinion | It is not advisable to take the testimony of Nir Hefetz very seriously Israel today


Next week, until the state and Benjamin Netanyahu's former media adviser, he will appear on the witness stand for the first time in the "4000 case" against the former prime minister and current chairman of the opposition. Seriously the reports of the prosecution's court reporters - who will compete who screams louder about his "dramatic" testimony

The cosmic combination "the Netanyahu trial" will resurface next Tuesday at the opening of the new editions on television.

The reason for the celebration: State witness Nir Hefetz, Benjamin Netanyahu's former media adviser, will appear on the witness stand for the first time as part of the "4000 case" against the former prime minister and current opposition chairman.

Israeli citizens will surely wonder what the break in the most dramatic trial in the country's history will mean: since the end of the main testimony of former Walla CEO Ilan Yeshua at the end of April, they have hardly heard about the trial.

But the truth is that the silence does not indicate a lack of interest in the trial, but rather the opposite: if before the trial it was doubted how the prosecution would succeed in bridging the gap between the indictment and reality - court hearings increase fears that "open heart and willingness" The prosecution before filing a precedent-setting indictment against the incumbent prime minister.

Amit Segal previously revealed how the investigators allegedly exerted pressure on an object in order to replace an attorney - in violation of the law. That's the truth. "The terrified object responds:" With a gallows people are killed, "and the interrogator confirms:" This is what is happening right now.

They (the other witnesses, the High Court) are tearing you to shreds. "

It turns out that the threat in the gallows was not scary enough, and investigators used another tactic that seems like a client from horror movies, rather than police investigations in a democracy: starving witnesses.

An object has large body dimensions, so it is natural that it will need a larger than average amount of food.

But according to the transcript of the interrogation, Hefetz tells investigators that "in the last 36 hours. I ate two sandwiches."

Although Hefetz serves as a state witness, a significant portion of his statements to the police contradict the core of the indictment.

For example, while the indictment begins in 2013, the first time Hefetz contacted Walla CEO Ilan Yeshua was in January 2015 - about two months before the election that year. According to Hefetz himself, after the election period, Netanyahu was not interested in Walla at all: " "Listen, what do I want to explain to you," Hefetz told investigators.

The letter of suspicion, for example, published by Mandelblit against Netanyahu, states that Elowitz acted for Netanyahu "whether by providing sympathetic and positive coverage, or by removing or delaying critical coverage, all in a way that serves Netanyahu's goals."

On the other hand, examinations by media outlets from all corners of the spectrum revealed that not only did Netanyahu not receive sympathetic media during the 2015 election period, the coverage of him was extremely negative.

So next week, when the prosecution's court reporters compete over who is screaming louder about Hefetz's 'dramatic' testimony, do not take their reports too seriously: they are just trying to cover up the pressure in the corridors of Saladin.

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2021-11-10

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