The Limited Times

Electricians' Tip: How to Save Electricity Properly | Israel today

11/10/2021, 12:32:27 PM

Want to get through the winter without being afraid of the electricity bill? Clean the filters of the air conditioner, prefer a microwave over an oven and take care of the hermetic insulation of the house

We all want to get through the winter without suffering from the cold, but if we heat the house without a bill we will get a particularly scary bill.

so what are we doing?

Get an electrical tip from the electricians.

The first action is cleaning.

Before operating an air conditioner for heating, clean the filters - this will make the device work more efficiently and with less effort. 

If you heat food - do it in the microwave and not in the oven.

It is true that the taste in the microwave is more industrial and less homely than the taste of the food heated in the oven, but when it comes to saving electricity the microwave is much better.

If you still choose to use the oven, place the food in a heat-resistant glass vessel rather than a metal vessel.

This will significantly shorten the operating time of the oven and save tens and even hundreds of shekels on the electricity bill (depending on the number of times you operate the oven).

If you have already turned on the oven, prepare a large amount of food and in this way you will be able to reduce the amount of weekly turns on the oven.

Note during operation that the oven door is tightly closed and that the heat does not escape because when the heat escapes the money also escapes with it.

The same is true for other appliances, such as a refrigerator, especially if it is old.

Note that its doors are sufficiently sealed, and not worn and torn.

Rubber bands will cost you less than an inflated electricity bill.

Do not bounce the account

The washing machine - a device that works non-stop in the winter - is recommended to be set to 30 degrees (unless it is particularly hard stains).

Please note, every step beyond that will bounce your electricity bill.

As in the oven, the washing machine should be used fully and not for small quantities.

If you are lazy - you will pay.

Adjust the machine to a short operating program.

If you do not have hard stains or unpleasant odors the clothes will still come out clean after a shorter cleaning program.

As tempting as it is in winter - try not to use a tumble dryer.

This device consumes a known amount of electricity, and for your information in some cases it also destroys the clothes.

Instead of drying, prefer to hang the clothes, at least until they are damp enough to be able to iron them.

This is a double hassle though, but it will significantly reduce the electricity bill.

How much will you reduce?

Sometimes at half price.

If you are building a house, make sure it is fully insulated.

This is true for walls, doors, glass windows (preferably double glazing).

You will be amazed at how significant this insulation is in saving electricity and not only in winter but also in summer.

Finally, if you want to save on your electricity expenses, make sure you have a secluded house, proper washing and cooking habits.

And another tip that is always right: Buy a large rug.

It is not possible to quantify the savings of the electricity bill, but it will bring a warm atmosphere into your life.

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