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Dog in the Car: The Perfect Guide to Traveling with Dogs | Israel today

12/8/2021, 2:00:33 PM

How do young dogs get used to driving and how do they educate the older ones? • Is it possible to make the pet enjoy the ride? • And most importantly - how do we keep the dog safe when traveling? • Everything you need to know

While many dogs love and even look forward to a ride in a car, other dogs are terribly afraid of the experience.

Those who are afraid drool and even sometimes vomit while driving or immediately after driving.

The reasons for this are varied: from nausea because of the mobility in driving or because of the stress they experience, through anxiety from the fact that they are trapped in a moving object, to an unpleasant experience or trauma from vehicles they have experienced in the past.

We tested with Meirav Gamliel Bushen, a dog trainer and behavioral therapist from the Bioft company, how to help your dog cope with stress and teach him to ride in a car in a comfortable and relaxed way.

"If you have a puppy, it's time to start teaching him to ride in a car comfortably and comfortably," says Gamliel Bushan.

"A safe and enjoyable car ride can be great, not only as a way to get from point A to point B, but also to strengthen the bond and accumulate fun experiences with our pet. The more you practice traveling with your pet at a younger age, the more likely he is to see "In a car that is fun and happy in the future as well. If you have a non-young dog that suffers from travel, it is recommended to use a behavioral therapist who can guide you how to change the feeling towards the car from scary to positive, in a gradual process adapted to the dog's difficulty and fear."

  • The most worthwhile deals for your pet - right here


Leaving, Photo: ITHINKSTOCK

Initial acquaintance with the car

"Just as children need their games and belongings while traveling, so does your dog need his toys and belongings with him," says Gamliel Bush.

"Bring a toy he likes into the car, a bone for chewing and even a blanket that is comfortable for him to lie on, so that he will feel safe and comfortable at home."

Gamliel Bushan details the four stages of the process of getting used to the car.

Even earlier we will mention encouraging the dog at each stage in a happy and calm voice, alongside petting and tasty snacks.

Another recommendation before we set out is to avoid a meal before the trip, to avoid feeling nauseous.

However it is certainly possible to chaperone in small snacks, if the dog takes them happily.

A good harness serves as a seat belt for the dog without exerting unnecessary pressure on its neck, Photo: ITHINKSTOCK

Step 1: Still vehicle

- Let your dog explore the car while in the parking lot - without any movement, with the engine off.

Let him sit inside and see how he feels.

Step 2: Motor vehicle

- After your dog looks relaxed, close the doors, turn on the radio at low volume and move the vehicle.

Let your dog experience the feeling when the engine is running.

Step 3: Slight movements in the parking lot

- If he seems calm and peaceful, you can drive slowly inside the parking lot - back and forth to observe how the dog responds to the movement of the car.

Step 4: Short ride

- If so far everything has gone well, go for a short ride, preferably to a place that the dog likes and not far from home.

Let your dog explore the car while in the driveway, Photo: ITHINKSTOCK

Enjoying the trip itself (and maybe just a bone)

It is important to make traveling with the dog in the vehicle meaningful to him, "so that he understands that traveling leads to wonderful places," Gamliel Bushan explains.

And so do it:

  • Take trips often with the vehicle and gradually increase the duration of the trip.

  • Choose destinations that you know for sure that your dog will enjoy: a park, a loved one, a family member, a walk in an open area, etc.

    If the only vehicle trip your dog makes in the vehicle is to the veterinary clinic or hairdresser, he may link the vehicle to a scary place and want to avoid traveling.

  • Just like you did before, always take toys and snacks to sweeten the trip.

    Also, praise him in a happy voice for staying calm.

  • Before the trip, take a walk, even if short, to allow your dog to defecate and discharge energy.

When passengers arrive at wonderful places, Photo: ITHINKSTOCK

Safety above all

Keep in mind that unsafe driving with animals in the vehicle can be dangerous for the pet as well as for us and therefore a number of safety precautions must be taken.

  • Stops during the trip - bring water, and do not forget a folding / portable bowl.

    During the trip, take breaks for ventilation and bone extraction, offer your dog water and allow him to defecate.

  • Window - Allow your dog to occasionally take his head out of the window, enjoy the fresh air (also helps with nausea!) And observe the view.

    Note that the window opening is not too large so that the dog can not get his body out.

    Also, do not open a window at high speeds, as strong winds can damage the dog's eyes.

  • Preventing Sunburn in the Summer - Just as humans can suffer from sunburn while driving a car, so can dogs.

    Provide your dog with as much sun protection as possible, with appropriate shading solutions.

    Keep the vehicle cool enough.

  • Never leave the dog alone in the car, not even for a minute!

    In summer the vehicle can heat up at record speed and become a death trap for the dog, in winter leaving a dog alone in the car can lead to hypothermia and in general - a dog left alone in the car may be stolen.

    As with children, so with dogs - caution and vigilance prevent disaster.

  • If you have a young puppy or a small dog - do not let him sit on your lap while driving.

    It's a death threat!

    During an accident, God forbid, the airbag can damage it.

  • Purchase a dedicated harness for transporting a dog in a vehicle - a good harness serves as a seat belt for the dog without exerting unnecessary pressure on its neck and protects it in the event of sudden braking or a collision, God forbid.

A fun and relaxing ride for you and your dog!

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