The Limited Times

Legislative Council Election︱ It is reported that free rides on polling day include MTR, KMB, Citybus and tram

12/10/2021, 6:38:07 AM

In the nine days to the end of the Legislative Council election, the voter turnout was the focus of heated discussions. Recently, many officials have continued to call on the public to vote and sent letters to their respective policy sectors. It is understood that the government will arrange free rides across Hong Kong on polling day,

In the nine days to the end of the Legislative Council election, the voter turnout was the focus of heated discussions. Recently, many officials have continued to call on the public to vote and sent letters to their respective policy sectors.

It is understood that the government will arrange free rides across Hong Kong on polling day. Participants include MTR, KMB, Citybus, NWFB and trams.

There is news that the related expenses may be borne by the transportation agencies themselves, and I believe the government will announce them later.

Political affairs | Luo Zhiguang, He Qiming’s acting skills exploded, incarnation Shan You, appealed to vote for the Legislative Council election next Sunday︱Chen Maobo’s fall in the district appeals to vote for the lack of opportunity to solve problems in the legislature. On the contrary, the voter turnout rate will lower the Legislative Council elections | Port vote registration closed today, a total of 22,000 registrations only accounted for the quota. Two incorporation elections | Public research survey: the tendency not to vote rises to 36% 49% does not support regional candidates


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