The Limited Times

Opinion | Biden acts out of weakness Israel today

12/11/2021, 7:50:58 PM

On US news sites, one can see how loose and weak public support for the incumbent president is. Have the highest priority

Reason for concern: In the United States there is a very weak president in public. President Biden is currently making difficult predictions, both about the future and about his situation in public opinion polls. He does not enjoy the support of the majority of the public, In doing so, Biden (79) is portrayed as a tired president.

This is what the Washington arena looks like, in which Israel's top security officials flatten their expectations of the administration to curb or even eliminate Iran's nuclear policy.

"Is this the time for a decisive US decision to stop Tehran from bombing? Is this the right time for American diplomacy to take over Israel, if it takes a decisive step?" Sorry, but we are busy, "Biden said in an imaginary conversation From acting, or at least supporting Israeli action (our media, by the way, do not, as a matter of course, highlight President Biden's public weakness).

The inferiority of the United States was also recently reflected in the round of talks in Vienna. These talks were not held in the form of direct contacts between the United States and Iran.

Prof. Eitan Gilboa, an expert on US policy, notes that the US has not taken a threatening, impressive step towards Iran: at least it would have conducted a major military exercise in the Emirates, while strengthening its military presence, to signal that all means are on the table.

Americans also do not take a more vigorous expression: "All options are on the table."

Following the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan, it is hard to believe that it will take military action in Iran.

On US news sites you can see how loose and weak public support for President Biden is. Even among his Democratic Party he does not win the support of a majority of voters. The Republican Party In the Senate there is a situation of equality between the two parties, and only the vote of the Vice President in the Senate will decide between the two factions.

Vice President Kamla Harris, whose appointment has sparked interest and excitement not only in the United States, is also not receiving public support. The magic has expired. Biden is the cause of dissatisfaction with its functioning, and in light of these findings, which are reflected in public opinion polls, it is doubtful that President Biden will dare to decide on an operation to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities.

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