The Limited Times

How do I use my smartphone as a GPS?

12/15/2021, 2:41:29 PM

Free or paid, many applications transform your smartphone into a GPS. If the use is particularly simple, there are

Add accessories to use a smartphone as a GPS?

While the question may seem trivial, it is inevitable.

Just like an independent GPS, a GPS application consumes battery very quickly.

The only solution: charge it!

A charger or a cable for the cigarette lighter socket is therefore essential.

On the maintenance side, the smartphone needs to be securely fixed, in your direct field of vision.

For safety reasons, turning your head or keeping it in your hand is unthinkable!

Equip yourself with a suitable support, to be fixed on the dashboard or to be sucked on the windshield.

Use a smartphone as a GPS: configure the smartphone

A simple message displayed on the screen is enough to hide the route from you at the least opportune moment!

Before departure, remember to cut off notifications of messages, emails, etc. or any other application liable to disrupt the display of your journey.

The same goes for the phone: you are driving, and therefore will not be able to answer.

An incoming call, moreover, will occupy the screen and hide the GPS.

The simplest ?

Put your smartphone in "Do not disturb" mode, or equivalent.

Beware of "Airplane" mode which, by disabling Wi-Fi, decreases the accuracy of geolocation.

Use a smartphone as a GPS: set the GPS

Take the time to launch the app and enter your destination before you leave.

If this is your first time with GPS on your smartphone, do a test beforehand.

Explore the settings, choose the view that suits you, adjust the sounds, alerts and voices… Once you are on the road, your GPS should work without a hitch.

You can also subscribe to traffic information: your GPS will inform you of traffic conditions in real time, even if it means adapting your route.

A GPS smartphone application offers more or less the same options and settings as an independent GPS.


To overheating


Like any high-tech device, a smartphone tends to heat up when it is in use.

Its position under the windshield can make it particularly difficult in bright sunshine ... Check its temperature regularly, and turn it off while it cools down if necessary.


Do not leave your smartphone visible in its holder when you leave the car.

For a prolonged shutdown, remove even the support, power cable and any traces of the suction cup.

GPS dedicated to the car: always a useful option

As practical as it is, the GPS integrated into a smartphone is not without flaws either: it depends on the 4G / 5G connection, which means that in the event of loss of signal, you will no longer necessarily have access to complete mapping. As mentioned above, the use of this module can also heat up the smartphone, and place a heavy strain on its battery. So many reasons that can motivate the fact of investing in an auto GPS which is specially designed to guide you efficiently during your trips by car. It is certain that the purchase of a car GPS tends to get lost due to the popularity of smartphones. Note, however, that it is easy to find a reliable and inexpensive car GPS, especially thanks to our selection of the best models of the moment.Considering the features available in these high-tech devices, you shouldn't regret the investment.

>> To read also:

How to connect my smartphone in my car?

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