The Limited Times

Pécresse, Zemmour, little phrases, "yellow vests", pension reform ... What to remember from Macron's interview

12/15/2021, 10:10:11 PM

REPORT - The President of the Republic spoke for nearly two hours, Wednesday evening, on TF1 and LCI. Here is the summary.

Clear up misunderstandings, purge past conflicts, and get off to a good start before 2022. Less than four months before the first round of the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron spoke at length on TF1 and LCI this Wednesday evening.

To discover

  • Presidential 2022: where are the candidates in the polls?

»LIVE - Follow Emmanuel Macron's interview minute by minute

An interview of more than two hours, recorded on Sunday at the Elysee Palace, the main objective of which was to return to the various crises that have punctuated the five-year term - whether social or health -, to defend the results of the executive, and set out a vision for the future for the country.

To read also Guillaume Tabard: "The candidate facing the headache of the president's record"

As a sort of pre-declaration of candidacy, therefore, for a head of state who is reaching the end of his mandate.

And whose intention to seek his succession next spring is no longer in doubt, including among his future opponents.

● Although

“desirable”, vaccination of children will not be compulsory

A "




, but not mandatory.

While the health authorities have issued a favorable opinion for the vaccination of 5-11 year olds, Emmanuel Macron indicated that this hypothesis would remain "

the choice of parents


We know that they turn very quickly in (children).

They rarely have serious forms even if in recent weeks, we have unfortunately had several cases of children, sometimes young, in the hospital with serious cases

, ”he detailed.

Read alsoIs it really necessary to vaccinate children against Covid-19?

● The vaccination obligation for adults is a

“very possible”


Asked about the scenario of an obligatory vaccination, Emmanuel Macron replied: “

It is quite possible.

This hypothesis exists, of course


The president indicated that he will examine "

in the coming weeks

" this track, supported in particular by the socialists and the centrists of the Modem.

However, he believes that France is already "


" in this situation, given the 91% of adults who have been doubly vaccinated.

Read alsoCovid-19: would the vaccination obligation be possible in France?

● No announcement of candidacy, but a desire to

"project the country to ten years"

One more step towards the big leap.

If he has not yet officially announced his candidacy for the 2022 presidential election, Emmanuel Macron explained that he wanted to "

project the country to ten years


Or at the end of a second five-year term.

I don't think, I never thought, that you could transform a country in five years.

So I try to project myself

”, he insisted, while specifying that he“

would act until the last quarter of an hour



The (other) candidates are in politics,

" he finally slipped, believing that this was not his role.

Read also Doctor President or Mister Candidate, Emmanuel Macron's dilemma

● A veiled attack in Pécresse on public finances and civil servants

Attack them, without naming them.

The cancellation of public debt defended by the radical left - an “



- and the drastic spending cuts put forward by the right - a “

Père Fouettard option

” - have both been targeted.

Emmanuel Macron also contested any massive abolition of civil servant posts, while the LR candidate Valérie Pécresse proposes to withdraw 150,000 in the "

administering administration



Which ones?

Where ?

We need serious

", he asserted, defending an"




, which preserves the military, teachers, magistrates and police.

See also Emmanuel Macron seeks the response to counter Valérie Pécresse

● Zero immigration, defended by Zemmour, judged as an


Emmanuel Macron curtly replied to Eric Zemmour.

Referring to the theory of a "great replacement" of European civilization, threatened with rocking by the Arab-Muslim culture, the president affirmed: "

I do not believe in the great replacement


The Head of State also judged that “

zero immigration

” defended by the nationalist candidate represented “



There has never been zero immigration

,” he stressed.

The president judged that it was necessary above all to continue "

the work of integration

", considering that "

in recent years, we have not integrated well


To read also In Vichy, Macron charges Zemmour remotely

● A mea culpa on the small



, which could "hurt"

He "



Often criticized for his “little phrases”, Emmanuel Macron deplored the “


” of some of his remarks, such as when he advised a young unemployed person to “

cross the street

” to find a job in 2018. But the president has acknowledged having been able to "

hurt people

", taking as an example his words of 2017 on those "

who succeed and those who are nothing


We can't say that,

” he admitted, acknowledging an “




I think we can get things done without hurting people,

” he said.

To read also "Illettrées", "lazy", "brothel" ... from Bercy to the Elysee, the shocking language of Macron

● His


” mean that he is not “for nothing” in the “yellow vests” crisis

Being in power confers responsibilities.


I am not going to tell you that

I have nothing to do with the 'yellow vests' crisis,"

admitted Emmanuel Macron, considering "

that there were mistakes that were made".

Recognizing an accumulation of measures which, taken end to end, favored the appearance of this crisis, the president defended the validity of 80 km / h,

"a good decision for road safety



just happened at a time when our compatriots did not understand this decision,”

he concluded.

To read also "Yellow vests": three years later, could the mobilization resume?

● In favor of the

“three major regimes” replacing the special regimes

Without the Covid, the reform would have seen the light of day. From now on, although there is always

"a need to lead (it)

", another text is in preparation. If "it

is now clear that we will have to work longer

", it is necessary, according to Emmanuel Macron



adapt the working life time to the difficulties of certain tasks

" and "to

rethink the work of seniors

". Another essential point



Simplify our rules and move towards an exit from special regimes

", further details the president who wants "

for the public service, employees and the self-employed, three major regimes


Read the filePension reform: our file to understand everything

“We talked about a state affair”, but the Benalla affair “was a summer affair”

Time has passed, but his vision remains the same. "

We spoke of a state affair, it was rather undoubtedly a summer affair

", considered Emmanuel Macron about the Benalla affair, because the "

state itself

" was not "


" according to him. "

What came out of it?" It was pschitt,

”he bid. If he recognizes a "

very painful moment

", he assures that his ex-collaborator "

has not been protected beyond what should be

". Alexandre Benalla was sentenced in November to three years in prison, one of which was closed for having notably hit a protester in Paris in 2018, dressed up as a police officer - he appealed.

Read also The day the Benalla affair broke, the first breach of a smooth start to the five-year term

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