The Limited Times

The United Nations reaffirms the right of the Palestinian people to sovereignty over their resources

12/17/2021, 8:23:10 PM

New York, SANA- The United Nations General Assembly, by majority, adopted a resolution affirming the right of the Palestinian people to sovereignty

New York-Sana

The United Nations General Assembly, by majority, adopted a resolution affirming the right of the Palestinian people to permanent sovereignty over their natural resources.

Wafa news agency reported that the General Assembly today adopted the draft resolution “the permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, over their natural resources” with a majority of 156 countries, while six countries opposed it and the Israeli occupation entity, and 15 countries abstained.

The resolution made it clear that what the occupation authorities are doing to build the apartheid wall and settlements in the West Bank is a violation of international law and deprives the Palestinian people of their natural resources.

And the permanent representative of Palestine to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour, stated that the importance of this decision stems from the fact that it reaffirmed the right of the Palestinian people to control the management of their natural resources, which is in line with international law, in addition to its recognition of the Palestinians’ right to demand compensation as a result of the occupation authorities’ exploitation or destruction of their natural resources. or exhausting it and endangering it due to its illegal actions.

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