The Limited Times

Opinion | Especially in the days of Corona: Israel is the home of all Jews Israel today

12/19/2021, 9:30:10 PM

The State of Israel must allow every Jew to enter its gates, even within the framework of the corona restrictions • There is a simple solution: to apply the same health and safety protocols required of Israeli citizens, even those returning from "red states" • Current corona restrictions hurt Israel With the Jews of the Diaspora.

The State of Israel, as the state of the Jews, must allow every Jew to enter its gates, even within the framework of the corona restrictions.

There are many ways to ensure that these people do not pose a health risk, even without severely damaging Israel's Jewish identity.

By enacting a ban on non-citizens entering the country, the government causes fundamental and lasting damage to the very identity of Israel as a Jewish state.

Of course, no government should endanger the health of its citizens, but there is a simple solution: apply the same health and safety protocols required of Israeli citizens, including those returning from "red countries" - PCR tests and isolation according to the level of vaccine.

If these citizens' demands are safe enough from a health point of view, there is no reason why they should not be good enough for non-citizen Jews as well.

The virus does not distinguish between those who hold an Israeli passport and those who do not.

Israel is unlike any other country, which has only a legal and moral obligation for the welfare of its citizens.

In its heart and soul it is a Jewish state.

It is the historical enterprise of re-establishing Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel, and therefore no Israeli government has the moral right to prevent Jews from entering the Land of Israel.

The reason for the existence of Israel is that it is a Jewish state, and its mandate is the entire Jewish people in the Diaspora, even those who are not among its citizens.

In imposing this discriminatory ban, the Israeli government is sinning against its role.

A Jewish state does not close its gates to other Jews, especially in times of need.

A Jewish state can not allow contestants from all over the world to participate in a beauty contest, while at the same time denying the relatives of its new immigrants, thus causing heartbreak when families are separated from each other.

A Jewish state does not prevent the entry of young Jews who come to study in Israel.

A Jewish state will treat all the Jews of the world - whether they hold an Israeli passport or not - with respect, appreciation and equal treatment.

The Jewish identity on which the State of Israel rests led our ancestors to establish the state, cultivate its land and fight bravely for its existence.

It is the identity that underlies its existence, and it is the one that justifies the suffering and sacrifice so much that we are forced and required to go through.

The current corona restrictions are hurting the precious value of the State of Israel with the Jews of the Diaspora.

The State of Israel must not be distanced from its Jewish identity.

If Israel's uniqueness as a Jewish state does not stand out and it behaves like all other countries - it will be a cry for generations.

We must always fight the Jews of the world, and in any situation, not keep them away.

Were we wrong?


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