The Limited Times

Opinion | The truth is before us, it is worth waking up | Israel today

12/20/2021, 9:30:35 PM

There is nothing to be angry about the Arab Knesset members who came to mourn the face of Sheikh Raed Salah, the man who is considered the religious leader of the Israeli Arabs • The smiles, the hugs, the solidarity - all of these were strictly authentic

Representatives of the Arab parties, including those from the coalition, arrived on Saturday to pay their respects and rejoice in the joy of Sheikh Raed Salah on the occasion of his release from prison.

In response, journalists and politicians issued wall-to-wall condemnations, but to whom is the anger actually directed?

The visit to the sheikh did not change anything in the real world.

No one took action, no one renewed anything that was not already known.

This is similar to the regular publications after terrorist attacks against Israelis, which report sweets distributed to passers-by.

So what.

There is nothing to be angry about the Arab Knesset members who came to arouse the face of the man who is considered the religious leader of the Israeli Arabs. The smiles, the hugs, the solidarity - all of these were downright authentic and expressed something painfully real. This is the truth, this is what we think and this is how we feel - this is the message that the Arab MKs conveyed, and if I may give advice to Jewish-Israeli society - we should listen. But listen really. It is not too late. After years of refusing to understand simplicity , After letting fantasies run the decision-making process and after paying a painfully exorbitant price for the deafness we chose - it is worth listening to what Israeli Arabs have been shouting in our ears for years.

I read current affairs articles that combine hits from the field of sociology against the background of pleasantness from the field of mental health, and everyone is trying to find an answer to the million dollar question: Why do Arab terrorists kill Jews?

From personal and family crises, through the occupation to the deprivation, and of course the many years of neglect of Israeli governments that failed to save the Arabs of the state from themselves - for all this, it turns out, one solution: to take up arms and shoot Jews.

All of these explanations are meant to reinforce the fantasy.

Keep the reasonable person away from the truth and create the illusion that if we only deal with one specific obstacle, the conflict will immediately be resolved.

Perhaps after a hundred years of failures it is time to blow up the fantasy, open our eyes and listen to our neighbors, who do nothing but shout the truth in our ears, whether in words or bullets.

The Arab-Israeli conflict is a culture war.

A culture that includes tradition, religion, ethos and blood-thick tribalism.

The Muslim will never give up his land.


Even in a hundred years or a hundred generations, the Muslim believer will be overthrown at night even if one of his holy lands is trampled underfoot.

This must be known, and more importantly - respected.

For all the pain and bereavement this has caused us, it would have been better for Jewish-Israeli society to learn something from the devotion and value-strength of our Muslim neighbors.

From this point one should start and try to maintain a neighborhood.

Knowing that the enmity between the two peoples is an integral part of our lives, and that the only equilibrium that will allow a common life is not only unstable, but that its existence will depend on the strength of the arm.

Breaking up with fantasy is always painful, but it is an essential step without which one cannot face reality.

Were we wrong?


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