The Limited Times

The Minister of Tourism estimates: "The sky will open in the coming days" Israel today

12/28/2021, 4:10:45 PM

Minister Yoel Rezbozov said that according to the forecasts, the restrictions on the vaccinated will be removed upon entering the country. • The meaning: tourists will be able to fly to Israel

"According to forecasts, the sky will open and restrictions on the vaccinated will be lifted in the coming days," Tourism Minister Yoel Rezbozov said today (Tuesday).

The minister, who has repeatedly argued in recent times that the country should be opened to vaccinated tourists coming from orange countries, now estimates that the country is expected to open soon to vaccinated foreign tourists coming from countries not defined as red.

Minister of Tourism Yoel Rezbozov, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

As you may recall, yesterday dozens of countries were removed from the list of red countries and now the list includes less than 20 countries, the most prominent of which are the United States, France, Britain and Spain, countries from which a significant share of foreign tourists visit Israel.

Next Tuesday, a hearing will be held in the High Court where the petitioners are due to present their arguments to a three-judge panel. He claimed that vaccinated people could be relieved in everything related to crossings from Israel to abroad and back in a week or at most in the next two weeks.

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