The Limited Times

After the police announcement: The fire brigade also refuses to confirm Baba Sally's revelry Israel today

12/29/2021, 8:15:47 PM

The commander of the Southern District in the fire department warns that if the safety deficiencies in the complex are not completed at all - it will not be possible to confirm its existence. Schedule and finish all the necessary preparations

Southern District Fire Chief Tafser Shmulik Friedman warns that if the safety deficiencies in the Baba Sally compound are not repaired at all - it will not be possible to confirm the existence of the incident in accordance with the business licensing order.

"The safety plan and the safety portfolio submitted were examined by the Southern District Fire Brigade, and found many gaps in the fire safety arrangements required at the site as well as the access roads of the emergency vehicles required in the event of an incident," the district commander writes.

In a letter sent today to the mayor of Netivot and the Southern District Attorney, Tafser Friedman claims that earlier this month, he was informed that a "Baba Sally celebration" is planned in Netivot between and according to estimates, an event planned to take place .

"Although no activity was presented on behalf of the event organizers until the beginning of the week, I arranged for a tour and inspection on our behalf in the celebration complex and in the rabbi's tomb. "In light of this, a letter of reference from the District Fire Brigade was sent to all relevant officials warning of the gaps and the scope of preparations required for the celebration."

Friedman noted in the letter that on Monday a license application was received for the first time, after many requests from the fire department to the various bodies including the mayor, the mayor's office, the director of the business licensing department, the directors of the Baba Sally Memorial Foundation and more. Safety on behalf of the event producer.

"Unfortunately, all the necessary preparations have not yet begun, including the preparation of escape routes, access roads to emergency vehicles, setting up positions and fire-fighting equipment in the compound, arranging fire hydrants in the compound, removing hazards and more." Friedman.

During the tour it turned out that despite the words of the event producer, he will not be able in view of the schedules, to complete all the necessary preparations before the event.

Were we wrong?


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