The Limited Times

The best for last

1/9/2022, 3:33:06 PM

The best for last Created: 01/09/2022, 4:23 PM Bavarian champion: Felix Karpfinger from SC Oberhummel. © fuchs Felix Karpfinger wins DM silver in long shooting with a distance of over 100 meters Oberhummel - Great joy and deep disappointment were close together for the stick shooters of the SC Oberhummel at the German and Bavarian U19 championships in Mitterskirchen. While youngster Felix Karp

The best for last

Created: 01/09/2022, 4:23 PM

Bavarian champion: Felix Karpfinger from SC Oberhummel.

© fuchs

Felix Karpfinger wins DM silver in long shooting with a distance of over 100 meters


- Great joy and deep disappointment were close together for the stick shooters of the SC Oberhummel at the German and Bavarian U19 championships in Mitterskirchen. While youngster Felix Karpfinger was able to look forward to a silver medal in the German and Bavarian championship titles, championship favorite Maxi Kloiber only got the thankless fourth place twice. “I actually went there with mixed feelings because I hadn't trained that much beforehand,” said a happy Felix Karpfinger. "That's why I didn't calculate that much and I'm all the more happy that it worked out so well."

The U19 competitions were definitely not for the faint of heart. On Friday at the Bayerische, the three leaders did not even make it into the top five after their first attempt with their over 85 meters each. After the second shot, Max Mayer from SV Ostermünchen took the lead with 87.86 meters, which he kept after the third because he increased to 93.27 meters. And even after the fourth round, this distance was maintained, but Maxi Kloiber moved up to second with 92.40 meters. With the last attempt, the ranking was turned upside down again. Oberhummels Felix Karpfinger shot 97.07 meters and thus more than 3.5 meters further than Mayer and took first place. Unlucky was Maxi Kloiber, who was ousted from third place in the final by Johannes Michl (SV Pocking) with 93.17 meters.

Title win in the competition for the Bavarian championship

The tournament for the German championship was just as exciting.

After the first shot, Maxi Kloiber led with 95.82 meters.

But in the second attempt Karpfinger (96.63) and Michl (96.11) passed him. In the third run the two leaders were able to improve their distances. Before the last shot, Karpfinger (99.95) was ahead of Michl (96, 54) and Kloiber (95.82. Nico Herr from Friedrichshaller SV mixed up this order when he threw 99.48 meters, almost ten meters further than in his four previous attempts.

But Felix Karpfinger was also able to improve on his final shot and increased to 100.48 meters.

But that wasn't enough to win on Saturday, because as on the day before, Johannes Michl from SV Pocking had saved his best until the end and secured the German championship title with 103.31 meters in the fifth attempt.

Felix Karpfinger won silver in front of Nico Herr.

Maxi Kloiber was fourth like on Friday.

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