The Limited Times

"A policeman put his knee on my neck, and the others came and kicked me" - Walla! sport

2/22/2022, 7:09:36 AM

Harsh testimonies and disturbing videos about police violence against Hapoel Tel Aviv fans. One of them wrote: "The cops spat on me and strangled me without me doing anything"

"A policeman put his knee on my neck, and the others came and kicked me"

Harsh testimonies and disturbing videos about police violence against Hapoel Tel Aviv fans.

One of them wrote: "The policemen spat on me and strangled me without me doing anything. I begged them to stop, it did not interest them"

Yoav Itiel


Tuesday, 22 February 2022, 08:13

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Summary: Maccabi Haifa - Hapoel Tel Aviv 0: 2 (Sport 1)

The harsh testimonies of Hapoel Tel Aviv fans about violence by the police are accumulating, as are the videos.

Yesterday (Monday) at the end of the Reds' away game against Maccabi Haifa, objects began to be thrown between the stands.

In response, dozens of policemen went up to the stands of Hapoel Tel Aviv and, according to those present at the scene and the videos, acted with widespread violence.

Even outside the stadium cops pushed and beat fans.

A minor fan posted a picture on his Instagram account when he was injured and wrote: "My name is Roi Blue, 17, from Herzliya, who is studying at the Jubilee High School in the twelfth grade.

Today I was at a Hapoel Tel Aviv football game against Sami Ofer in Haifa.

At the end of the game when all the fans were out of the stadium, there was passion and nerves because the cops literally pushed the fans out.

I was already outside the stadium on the phone and behind me came a wave of cops and fans and the only thing I heard was the cops shouting and cursing behind me.

"Before I realized what had happened someone pushed me and I turned around in a panic. The cops started pushing the fans and one specific cop whose name I will not reveal now, laid me on the floor, put his knee on my neck and seven more cops just came and started kicking me in the face and ribs. "Spit on me and strangle me without me doing anything. While I'm lying on the floor begging them to stop and tell them I did nothing and I'm just a 17 year old student and child, but it does not interest them and while I scream for help they mess with who kicks harder."

Another fan wrote in his story: "In my life I have never seen such poison in my eyes dismantling beatings. The fact that you have a badge and a hat does not give you any option to dismantle football fans. Shame on you."

More on Walla!

Medicine: "We did not exist offensively", violent clashes in the stands

To the full article


MK Simon Davidson, who serves as a member of the Education, Culture and Sports Committee, tweeted this morning: “I received many videos tonight and this morning from football fans who were violently attacked by police officers.

Yesterday's violent incidents of police officers against football fans at a game in Haifa cannot pass in silence.

In the discussion we will hold this morning in the Internal Security Committee, clear answers will be required from the police.

It is not possible for such violence to be used against fans. "

MK Ahmad Tibi tweeted this morning:" Police violence against Hapoel Tel Aviv fans yesterday at Sami Ofer is brutal for its own sake. The game.

  • sport

  • Israeli soccer

  • Super League


  • Hapoel Tel Aviv

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