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Study proves: More and more employees are quitting their jobs without finding a new job

2/25/2022, 3:05:08 PM

Study proves: More and more employees are quitting their jobs without finding a new job Created: 2022-02-25Updated: 2022-02-25, 4:00 p.m The desire for a new job is particularly pronounced among the women surveyed, as the survey showed. © Sebastian Gollnow/dpa Many employees put their professional lives to the test during the corona pandemic. In the corona pandemic, many employees are ready to

Study proves: More and more employees are quitting their jobs without finding a new job

Created: 2022-02-25Updated: 2022-02-25, 4:00 p.m

The desire for a new job is particularly pronounced among the women surveyed, as the survey showed.

© Sebastian Gollnow/dpa

Many employees put their professional lives to the test during the corona pandemic.

In the corona pandemic, many employees are ready to

change jobs


This is illustrated by a survey conducted by Forsa in January 2022 on behalf of Xing E-Recruiting*.

In Germany, about a thousand adult workers (workers and employees) took part.

Job survey by Forsa on behalf of Xing

The desire for a new job

is particularly pronounced


the women surveyed, such as

New Work SE

poll announced.

38 percent of female German employees are aiming for a job change this year, compared to 32 percent last year.

One result is surprising: According to the survey, around one in four people even quit their job even though he or she

had not yet signed a new contract,

the statement said.

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Study: A third of job changers name Corona as the reason

The motives for an actual job change are, for example, the desire for

new management concepts

, a good

work-life balance

and a

meaningful job


But a striking number of job changers also cited the corona pandemic as a reason, as the survey also shows: Since the beginning of the

corona pandemic

in 2020, ten percent of those surveyed in Germany had changed their job.

"The fact that Corona influenced this decision is confirmed by 31 percent of female and 22 percent of male German job changers," the company said about the study.

(ahu) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.