The Limited Times

Top 14: Stade Français falls heavily in Montpellier (30-3)

2/27/2022, 6:59:47 PM

Much less dominated than the scoreboard indicates, the Parisians have long been on an equal footing, this Sunday, with the Hérault club.

On paper, the clear defeat in Paris (30-3) makes sense.

In reality, it is a little frustrating, because the Stadistes, on the heels of their river victory against Biarritz, have never been dominated by a team now second on equal points with the Bordeaux leader traveling to Toulouse in the evening.

But between clumsiness, approximations and a bit of bad luck, Gonzalo Quedasa's men buried their illusions themselves

Backed by their impressive series of nine unbeaten games, Montpellier are moving forward at home with the status of big favourites.

At the break, the Héraultais return to the locker room with a ten-point lead (13-3), without, however, showing off.

Instead of seeing a blue and white mass trampling the Parisian pink soldiers, we are witnessing a number of low-income earners and accountants on the lawns of Montpellier residents.

For forty minutes, the Stade Français leads the debates, shows more desire and offensive intentions.

But, alas, without adding the necessary lucidity.

Opposite, the men of Philippe Saint-André show surgical precision.

Illustration in three minutes and two actions.

In the 13th minute, Sanchez escaped from the grip of Montpellier.

He only has a two against one to negotiate with Barré and the test is announced.

But the two Parisians do not understand each other and waste the opportunity (13th).

Three minutes later, on their only offensive of the first period, the locals scored a try thanks to Zach Mercer (16th) who should have been refused for a passing touch, a few moments earlier, from a Parisian.

"There is still not twenty points difference between us"

“It's still not possible, plague Kylan Hamdaoui at the break.

When we play in our camp, Montpellier benefits from it and takes the points.

We need to be more disciplined.

But actions are not going to follow words after the rest.

Veaini was first refused a good try for having placed a half-toe in touch before flattening (44th).

And the punishment comes in stride with a second Hérault try, after a long video review session, granted to Bécognée (20-3).

Along the sideline, Gonzalo Quedasa can't believe it.

"Even if we don't do everything well, there is still not a twenty point difference between us".

But the Stade Français managed to scuttle itself with, after a sterile domination, a stupid brutality from Alo-Emile punishable by a deserved yellow card (57th).

At the end of the match, Ngandebe scored the third try in force, synonymous with an offensive bonus and a dolphin seat (30-3, 74th).

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