The Limited Times

Ukraine: Around 1000 Freisingers at the vigil for peace - the district is preparing accommodation for refugees

2/27/2022, 8:11:54 PM

Ukraine: Around 1000 Freisingers at the vigil for peace - the district is preparing accommodation for refugees Created: 02/27/2022, 21:00 Around 1,000 people flocked to Freising's Marienplatz on Sunday evening to demonstrate their solidarity with Ukraine and against the war instigated by Putin. © Lehmann While 1000 people flocked to the vigil in Freising's center, the district is preparing for

Ukraine: Around 1000 Freisingers at the vigil for peace - the district is preparing accommodation for refugees

Created: 02/27/2022, 21:00

Around 1,000 people flocked to Freising's Marienplatz on Sunday evening to demonstrate their solidarity with Ukraine and against the war instigated by Putin.

© Lehmann

While 1000 people flocked to the vigil in Freising's center, the district is preparing for refugees from Ukraine.

Citizens can help too.

County – The war in Ukraine is driving people from their homes.

According to the UN refugee agency, more than 50,000 people had left the country by Friday evening.

The district of Freising is therefore preparing for the possible accommodation of refugees from Ukraine.

After a meeting between the Upper Bavarian district administrators and the President of the Upper Bavarian government, Konrad Schober, District Administrator Helmut Petz initiated the first measures.

This emerges from a press release.

Around 150 free places in the Freising district

As early as Friday afternoon, the district office set up a coordination group to deal with all issues and tasks that the district could face in connection with the war in Ukraine.

In addition to the district administrator, employees from the area of ​​asylum, the immigration office, the Freising health office and the aid organizations are represented in this coordination group.

(By the way: everything from the region is now also available in our regular Freising newsletter.)

"The developments in Ukraine are unbelievable and sad," said District Administrator Petz.

"Putin's approach is completely out of date after many decades of cooperative dealings with each other." The first meeting was mainly about what options the district has to offer refugees a roof over their heads.

Ukrainian nationals can enter Germany without a visa and stay here for up to 90 days.

Everything else depends on further events in the war zone.

More accommodations are being sought

The district currently has around 150 places available in its refugee accommodation, which could be occupied relatively quickly.

50 of them are immediately available if needed.

If residents move, additional spaces could be created.

"Of course Corona is an important issue here," says Werner Wagensonner, head of the responsible social welfare office.

Therefore, moves are currently only being carried out within the accommodation so as not to create or spread possible sources of infection.

Based on the experiences of the 2015/16 refugee crisis, there are occupancy plans for gyms in the Freising district, should this be necessary.

At that time, three school sports halls in the district were used as refugee accommodation, and even in times of Corona, the students had to do without physical education classes for a long time.

"That's why those responsible are now primarily looking for alternative accommodation options - such as rooms in commercial buildings or hotels," emphasizes Robert Stangl, spokesman for the district office.

According to Managing Director Albert Söhl, the BRK in Freising has over 600 camp beds that can be made available immediately in order to be able to offer the refugees at least a place to sleep.

In addition, the district office has already initiated the procurement of cots, equipment for the first time, mattresses and more.

In order to be able to cope with a possible wave of refugees as best as possible, the coordination group has already launched a call to the employees of the district office, who actually have other tasks, to help here.

Emotional vigil

"We are now monitoring the events in the coming days," said District Administrator Petz.

People who have specific questions about accommodation or the admission of relatives, friends or acquaintances can contact the district office by e-mail from Monday to

Reports from citizens who want to help are also collected via this address – whether they can provide accommodation, work as translators or provide other support.

A vigil that took place on Sunday evening at Marienplatz in Freising showed the level of solidarity in the district with Ukraine.

Around 1000 people came.

In addition to Mayor Tobias Eschenbacher and Minister of State Florian Herrmann, the speakers also included MdL Johannes Becher: According to Becher, it is also about defending democracy.

And: Just one step further and Putin would be on the border with NATO territory.


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