The Limited Times

Russian invasion of Ukraine: minute of silence at the UN, calls for an end to the fighting

2/28/2022, 4:06:51 PM

The 193 members of the United Nations General Assembly observed Monday, February 27 standing a minute of silence on the initiative of their...

The 193 members of the United Nations General Assembly observed Monday, February 27 standing a minute of silence at the initiative of their president, Abdulla Shahid, in memory of the victims of the Russian invasion in Ukraine, at the opening of very rare “

emergency extraordinary session

” of this body.

Read alsoIn Île-de-France, the Ukrainian diaspora organizes humanitarian aid

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Maldives, with the rank of head of state with his position at the UN, Abdulla Shahid called for "

an end to violence


In the process, the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, also stressed that "

the fighting in Ukraine must stop


They are raging all over the country, from the air, the land and the sea. It has to stop now.

Enough is enough.

The soldiers must return to their barracks

,” he said.

Leaders must move towards peace.

Civilians must be protected

,” added the UN chief, stressing about the threat of recourse to nuclear weapons that “

nothing could justify

” their use.


The weapons speak now, but the way of dialogue must always remain open.

It is never too late to engage in negotiations in good faith and settle all issues peacefully

,” pleaded Antonio Guterres.

Exceed 100 “


” votes

More than 100 speakers are registered to speak at the General Assembly meeting, the first of its kind to be held in 40 years and which is expected to continue on Tuesday before the vote - possibly on Wednesday - on a resolution, carried by the Europeans, calling for a cessation of hostilities.

The initial text, obtained by AFP, "

condemns in the strongest terms Russia's aggression against Ukraine


Europe, which entered the conflict indirectly on Sunday by authorizing the supply of arms to Ukraine, including "

Bulgarian MiG fighter planes

“, according to a diplomatic source, should unite alongside North America, to denounce Russia during the session of the Assembly.

A large number of African and South American countries are also expected to speak out against Russia's invasion of Ukraine, according to diplomats who want to exceed the 100 "


" votes - obtained in 2014 after the annexation of Crimea.

Negotiations are complicated between two currents, told AFP a diplomatic source on condition of anonymity.

Some, emphasizing that the text cannot be vetoed (non-existent in the General Assembly) want it to be very tough.

Others believe that the important thing is to obtain a maximum of votes to show the isolation of Russia and would thus be ready to make concessions on the language, she specified.

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