The Limited Times

Diary of the War: Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

3/1/2022, 4:13:33 PM

Diary of the War: Russia's Invasion of Ukraine Created: 03/01/2022, 17:09 The central square in Kharkiv lies in ruins after the city hall was shelled. © Pavel Dorogoy/AP/dpa Russia is waging a war of aggression against Ukraine. The West and international organizations are reacting with serious countermeasures. Events unfold daily. Moscow/Kyiv - With the invasion of its neighboring country, Rus

Diary of the War: Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

Created: 03/01/2022, 17:09

The central square in Kharkiv lies in ruins after the city hall was shelled.

© Pavel Dorogoy/AP/dpa

Russia is waging a war of aggression against Ukraine.

The West and international organizations are reacting with serious countermeasures.

Events unfold daily.

Moscow/Kyiv - With the invasion of its neighboring country, Russia provoked massive counter-reactions from the West.

Ukraine braces itself against the attackers.

A diary:

February 21: Russian President Vladimir Putin recognizes the self-proclaimed People's Republics of Luhansk and Donetsk in eastern Ukraine as independent states, and the State Duma agrees the following day.

Russian soldiers are to be sent to the separatist areas.

The West accuses the Kremlin chief of violating international law.

February 22: The EU members target the Russian financial sector in particular with punitive measures.

Berlin has put the Baltic gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 on hold for an indefinite period.

The United States and other allies have also announced sanctions against Moscow.

February 23: Ukraine is preparing for war: President Volodymyr Zelenskyj announces the partial mobilization of reservists and a 30-day state of emergency is declared.

The separatist leaders in eastern Ukraine are asking the Kremlin for military aid.

February 24: The war begins.

Russian tanks advance into the former Soviet republic without a declaration of war, there are air raids all over the country.

Selenskyj declares a state of war and orders general mobilization.

NATO activates defense plans for Eastern Europe, but continues to rule out military support for Ukraine.

February 25: Russian army advances to the capital Kyiv.

The Kremlin welcomes Zelenskyy's offer to negotiate a neutral status for Ukraine.

A resolution directed against Russia fails because of the veto from Moscow in the UN Security Council.

China abstains.

February 26 Battle for Kyiv and other cities is in full swing.

Germany is now delivering weapons from the Bundeswehr stocks to Ukraine.

Western allies decide to exclude Russian financial institutions from the Swift banking communications network.

February 27: There is heavy fighting in the Ukraine, for example around Kyiv and Kharkiv.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz announces an upgrade of the Bundeswehr by 100 billion euros.

The entire airspace over the EU countries is blocked for Russian planes.

Putin puts the nuclear power's deterrent weapons on standby.

more on the subject

Russia's invasion of Ukraine - a diary

Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: A Diary

How the conflict between Moscow and Kyiv came to a head

February 28: Despite further skirmishes, Moscow and Kyiv officially speak to each other for the first time since the beginning of the war.

The EU and the US ban transactions with the Russian central bank, and its assets are frozen.

Russia will be excluded from European and international football competitions, and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has decided that Russian and Belarusian athletes should no longer take part in competitions.

March 1: Moscow carries out further heavy attacks on Kharkiv.

A huge Russian military convoy is moving towards Kyiv.

It is said to be 64 kilometers long.

In an appeal to the European Parliament, Zelenskyj demands that his country be admitted to the EU.

According to the UN, 677,000 people have fled Ukraine.


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