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Ukraine War: Russia's Armored Brigade 'Totally Destroyed' - Voicemail Reveals Huge Military Losses


Ukraine War: Russia's Armored Brigade 'Totally Destroyed' - Voicemail Reveals Huge Military Losses Created: 02/03/2022 17:22 By: Christian Stör A destroyed Russian tank in front of the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv. © Sergey Bobok/AFP Russia does not provide any information about its own losses in the Ukraine war. But some of them seem to be dramatic. Chernihiv - After a week of war in Ukraine, i

Ukraine War: Russia's Armored Brigade 'Totally Destroyed' - Voicemail Reveals Huge Military Losses

Created: 02/03/2022 17:22

By: Christian Stör

A destroyed Russian tank in front of the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv.

© Sergey Bobok/AFP

Russia does not provide any information about its own losses in the Ukraine war.

But some of them seem to be dramatic.

Chernihiv - After a week of war in Ukraine, it is still completely unclear how high the losses of the Russian army are.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense has now announced that more than 5,840 Russian soldiers have been killed in the Ukraine conflict*.

In addition, more than 200 tanks, 860 other military vehicles, 30 airplanes and 31 helicopters have been destroyed since the beginning of the war.

However, the reports cannot be checked independently.

However, several video and photo recordings indicate that the Russian troops may have suffered correspondingly high losses.

Now the news portal Kyiv Independent even reports that Russia* has lost almost an entire brigade.

Only "18 of 150 soldiers" of the 35th Motorized Rifle Brigade are said to have survived the fighting for the city of Chernihiv.

Ukraine war: Putin loses almost entire brigade

The basis for the claim is a voice message published by the Ukrainian news portal.

According to this, an unidentified woman tells a WhatsApp group member, crying, that the “local tank brigade” in Ukraine* has been “totally destroyed”.

The woman resides in the town of Aleisk in the Altai Krai in southern western Siberia, the home base of the 35th Rifle Brigade, according to the Kyiv Independent.

The woman says in her voice message that "only 18 out of 150 men survived".

She also speaks of the first 45 coffins that are on their way to Aleisk.

Some of those killed were their neighbors and acquaintances.

According to the woman, most of the dead were very young men.

Ukraine war: Russia keeps silent about its own losses

According to the Kyiv Independent, the information from the voice message is supported by other facts about the operations of the 35th Rifle Brigade.

According to the report, it is known that on February 26, the brigade's armored units were destroyed in armed clashes near the city of Chernihiv, north of Kyiv, during which many soldiers were killed or captured.

In addition, Ukrainian troops released a video showing the surrendering Russian soldiers admitting to being members of the brigade stationed in Aleisk.

Nothing is known about this from Russia itself.

The military leadership does not provide any information about the fate of the soldiers.

(Christian Stör)

* is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2022-03-02

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