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Ukraine war: Baerbock sees evidence of Putin's isolation

3/5/2022, 5:26:04 AM

Ukraine war: Baerbock sees evidence of Putin's isolation Created: 05/03/2022 06:13 By: Florian Naumann The Ukraine conflict is also keeping Germany in suspense. More weapons are to be delivered. In his speech, Wüst addresses Putin directly. News ticker. The Ukraine conflict* prepares NATO and the EU for the greatest concern. Germany reacts with further arms deliveries (see first report). Forei

Ukraine war: Baerbock sees evidence of Putin's isolation

Created: 05/03/2022 06:13

By: Florian Naumann

The Ukraine conflict is also keeping Germany in suspense.

More weapons are to be delivered.

In his speech, Wüst addresses Putin directly.

News ticker.

  • The Ukraine conflict* prepares NATO and the EU for the greatest concern.

    Germany reacts with further arms deliveries

    (see first report).

  • Foreign Minister Baerbock sees Putin completely isolated internationally because of the Ukraine war

    (update from March 3, 9:40 p.m.).

  • The Union is concerned about the war about the food supply in Germany

    (update from March 3, 3:25 p.m.).

  • This

    news ticker on Germany's reaction to the Ukraine war

    has ended.

    More on the background of the Ukraine crisis* here.

Update from March 4, 11:40 a.m .:

After a fire on the site of a large Ukrainian nuclear power plant, CDU leader Friedrich Merz is thinking aloud about a possible NATO mission in Ukraine.

All other news about Germany's reactions to the Ukraine war can be found in the new news ticker (

see link


Update from March 4, 8:33 a.m .:

The Ukraine war has had a major impact on fuel prices in Germany, which have risen to over 2 euros per liter.

On the border between Bavaria and Tyrol, this leads to mass tank tourism.*

Update from March 4, 2:25 a.m .:

Former Vice Chancellor and former SPD Chairman Sigmar Gabriel advocates general conscription.

"I would be in favor of making compulsory military service." He was always convinced that the Bundeswehr was "in good hands" with compulsory military service in society.

“But society was on a different trip.

We all now know what rights we have - it has become a bit difficult with the obligations," said Gabriel on the television station phoenix.

Gabriel also stressed that the war rhetoric of Russian President Vladimir Putin must be taken seriously.

He also believes Putin is capable of a nuclear strike.

When asked about this, the SPD politician said: "I believe that if NATO really threatens him, he will do it." You shouldn't take the risk, Gabriel continued.

Baerbock: "Putin has sidelined himself internationally with the war of aggression"

Update from March 3, 9:40 p.m

.: Russian President Vladimir Putin has maneuvered himself internationally offside due to the war of aggression against Ukraine.

That said Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens).

"Actually, no country supports him anymore that is not itself a dictatorship," said Baerbock on Thursday in an interview with the broadcaster RTL / ntv.

Currently, Putin "could not be a partner".

The clear vote by the UN General Assembly for a resolution against the Ukraine war proves Putin's isolation, Baerbock said.

The states of the UN General Assembly passed a resolution in New York on Wednesday in which they "deplore with the greatest emphasis" the Russian invasion of Ukraine and condemned Putin's decision to put his country's nuclear forces on high alert.

141 member states voted in favor of the resolution, 35 others - including the nuclear powers China, India and Pakistan - abstained.

Only Belarus, Syria, North Korea, Eritrea and Russia voted against the resolution.

Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock © Benno Schwinghammer/dpa

Update from March 3, 9:15 p.m .:

Chancellor Olaf Scholz answered Maybrit Illner’s questions on Thursday evening.

Among other things, it was about the arms deliveries from Germany to Ukraine.

Ukraine war: Federal government wants to bring medical goods to Ukraine

Update from March 3, 6:20 p.m.:

The federal government wants to help people in Ukraine with medical supplies.

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach * (SPD) said on Thursday that according to information from the Bundestag, the Health Committee of Parliament announced plans to bring bandages, medicines, injections and painkillers to the country exposed to Russian attacks.

The government is in constant contact with Ukrainian authorities.

Lauterbach expressed his dismay at the events in Ukraine at the special committee meeting.

Because of the Russian war of aggression, for example, many diabetics there cannot currently be supplied with insulin.

The largest insulin warehouse was apparently deliberately destroyed during the war.

The federal government also wants to organize medical aid for refugees from Ukraine.

A general vaccination offer is being prepared that does not only include vaccination against corona.

The Covid vaccination rate in Ukraine is low and mortality is high, Lauterbach said.

Some of the refugees coming to Germany have considerable risk factors and are particularly at risk.

In addition, the care of the disabled and injured and other patients from Ukraine in hospitals is being prepared.

Lauterbach said a large number of refugees is expected.

He assured that the refugees are not only welcome, but also receive appropriate medical care.

Ukraine war: Union worries about food supplies

Update from March 3, 3:25 p.m .:

In view of the war in Ukraine, the Union is concerned about the food supply in Germany.

The CDU/CSU parliamentary group therefore wants to request a special session of the Bundestag Committee on Food and Agriculture, as announced by


It is currently being asked whether the traffic light group is also willing to do this.

There is “major uncertainty on the agricultural markets,” explained agricultural expert Albert Stegemann: “People are concerned about food prices and general security of supply.

Countermeasures must be taken here together with the federal government.” Help is needed for the people in the Ukraine – but in a second step, precautionary measures are also needed when it comes to food and animal feed in Germany.

North Rhine-Westphalia's Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU) has meanwhile addressed Russia's President Vladimir Putin in direct words: "Mr. Putin, the fear in the eyes of these children is your shame and will haunt you until the end of your life," he said Visit to the federal state's central reception center in Unna.

NRW Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst speaks to refugees from Ukraine in the central reception center in Unna.

© State of North Rhine-Westphalia/dpa

Update from March 3, 12:45 p.m .:

According to the Union faction, the Ukraine war could also have painful effects on the poorest countries in the world.

The CDU and CSU are therefore demanding an “immediate program” from the traffic light coalition of Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD).

"Rising energy and food prices will also hit poor countries that depend on imports badly and will further increase the over-indebtedness of many countries," warned parliamentary group leader Hermann Gröhe.

"Aid measures in German development policy should pay particular attention to host countries for refugees," added development expert Volkmar Klein: "It is important that this not only affects host countries of refugees from Ukraine, but also host countries of refugees who have been there since years, for example in the Middle East and in Africa.” There shouldn’t be any funding gaps. 

Germany in the Ukraine war: Baerbock informs the Federal Council - and receives CDU praise

Update from March 3, 11:05 a.m .:

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock explained the situation in Ukraine to the Federal Council’s Foreign Affairs Committee.

The federal, state and local governments are working closely together to accommodate refugees well, she said in a statement afterwards.

"I've heard from many who say that we can also take people in at home" that it is a "special situation".

However, Germany can offer those affected protection and security.

It is not only about accommodation, but also about psychological support.

Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) thanked Baerbock for the open presentation - and for her commitment in the crisis.

He also referred to upcoming tasks for the federal states, including taking in refugees.

In assessing the Russian war in Ukraine, there is great agreement between the federal government consisting of SPD, Greens and FDP and the federal states, Kretschmer praised.

Annalena Baerbock and Michael Kretschmer on Thursday in their joint statement.

© Chris Emil Janssen/

Ukraine war: Baerbock raises allegations against Russia - "Then our existence is threatened"

Update from March 3, 10:35 a.m .:

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) has made another appeal to the world community - and called for investigations into Russian action in Ukraine.

"Grave human rights violations must be prosecuted," she said in a pre-recorded video message at the UN Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva on Thursday.

"We urgently need a commission of inquiry into Ukraine to investigate all human rights abuses committed by Russia since the beginning of its military aggression."

Baerbock stressed that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was also an attack on the United Nations Charter.

"This is about nothing less than the most serious violations of human rights: the right to life and the right of the Ukrainian people to determine their own fate." Human rights must also be at the center of political action, as they have come under pressure worldwide.

“Russia's aggression underscores this all too clearly.

We must counter this attack.”

If human rights were denied, "our existence is threatened," Baerbock warned.

She referred her words to the people of Ukraine, but also to the activists of human rights organizations like Memorial in Moscow and to "brave men like Alexei Navalny* whose voices should be silenced".

The minister also mentioned demonstrators taking to the streets in Russia against Putin's war and "all people worldwide who suffer discrimination because of their beliefs".

Baerbock also advocated listening to the experiences of women - "they are the most vulnerable in conflict and crisis".

Update from March 3, 10:30 a.m .:

In the middle of the Ukraine conflict there is an explosive process in Munich: because of the alleged preparation of a murder on behalf of the Chechen leadership around ruler Ramzan Kadyrov, the federal prosecutor’s office has brought charges against a Russian citizen living in Germany.

Ukraine war: Germany is supplying more weapons - in some cases there is apparently still a hurdle

Update from March 3, 10:18 a.m .:

Germany could apparently soon deliver the approved 2,700 anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine – but a final go is still pending for parts of a possible delivery.

"Further equipment to support Ukraine is ready for transport," said a spokeswoman for the Federal Ministry of Defense when asked by AFP about possible deliveries.

She didn't want to give details.

"Some items still need the approval of the Federal Security Council." As the AFP news agency further reports, 18,000 more protective helmets were handed over to Ukraine last weekend.

Update from March 3, 10:10 a.m .:

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser expects the new EU rules to quickly protect war refugees from Ukraine to apply in a few days.

“I hope that there is an agreement in principle today.

I'm actually assuming that's the case," said the SPD politician on Thursday before a meeting with her EU colleagues in Brussels.

It will then take a week for the policy to "go into effect".

Especially in Central Eastern Europe, the willingness to help refugees has recently been great.

Update from March 3, 9.45 a.m .:

The European Association of Cathedral Builders has called for the church bells to ring “every minute for a day of this senseless war” at noon.

The symbolic signal will also be heard in some German cities.

In Cologne Cathedral, the bells should be heard for seven minutes, said a spokesman for the archdiocese.

But there was no central call from the Catholic German Bishops' Conference.

A DBK spokesman said that decisions would be made locally.

In the Evangelical Churches in Germany, too, it was said that the action was not a matter for the EKD, but for individual regional churches and communities.

In Bavaria, for example, the Munich, Regensburg, Würzburg and Passau cathedrals are involved.

Some churches in Germany had already rung the bells for minutes the evening before.

Ukraine war: Germany wants to deliver 2,700 GDR missiles - Merz now draws a bitter conclusion

First report:

Berlin – Germany wants to deliver more weapons to Kiev in the Ukraine conflict*.

The Economics Ministry approved the delivery of 2,700 Strela anti-aircraft missiles, as the German Press Agency learned on Thursday (March 3) from Ministry circles.

These are weapons of Soviet production from former stocks of the National People's Army (NVA) of the GDR.

Ukraine war: Germany supplies more weapons - but Merz now sees problems

CDU leader Friedrich Merz meanwhile sees the possibilities of Germany and NATO exhausted with the latest deliveries to Ukraine.

"We are at the limit of what is militarily possible here," said Merz in the ZDF "Morgenmagazin".

"It just shows how limited our options are today to protect a country that does not belong to an alliance.

This is not a NATO conflict.” The situation in the Ukraine war remained dramatic on Thursday night.

However, Merz thinks it is conceivable that Russia's gas and oil supplies, which are still being maintained, to Germany and other countries will be suspended.

"Probably they will also come to a standstill at some point." Russia could cut off energy supplies, or Ukraine's gas pipelines could be damaged in the conflict.

From Merz's point of view, it makes sense for Germany to become independent of these imports as quickly as possible*, because "of course we are also financing this war between Russia and Ukraine through the rising oil and gas prices".

Germany in the Ukraine war: Dispute over Scholz plan for the Bundeswehr - Greens make demands

After the announcement by Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD)* to raise a special fund of 100 billion euros for the Bundeswehr, Merz urged to hurry.

"To this day we have no documents, we have no draft law, we only have the Chancellor's government statement," said the party and parliamentary group leader.

"It's about time that the federal government delivers."

However, a debate has now flared up about exactly this point - specifically the fields of application for German investments.

"We now need a comprehensive investment package for security in Europe and a crisis-proof society," said Andreas Audretsch (Greens), member of the budget committee, the dpa.

In addition to adequate equipment for the Bundeswehr, security means ending the enormous dependence on oil, coal and gas from Russia - also through massive investments in the expansion of renewable energies.

CDU defense politician Serap Güler said: "It cannot be that the Greens parliamentary group is now bringing the special budget into play for the expansion of energy infrastructure." Güler, who is also a member of the CDU executive board, warned against "this 100 billion now to be used semantically for things that have long been on the wish list of the Greens*".

Germany's change of course in the Ukraine war: the first weapons have already been handed over

Germany had previously changed course in the Ukraine crisis and equipped the armed forces of the country attacked by Russia with heavy weapons.

According to dpa information, the Ministry of Defense has been checking for days whether and which other weapons can be handed over to Ukraine.

The deliveries now approved by the Ministry of Economic Affairs are further weapons of a different design.

On Saturday, the federal government decided to deliver 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 "Stinger" surface-to-air missiles from Bundeswehr stocks to Ukraine as quickly as possible.

From circles in the federal government it was announced on Wednesday that the “Stinger” and rocket-propelled grenades had been handed over to Ukraine.

In addition, the NATO partners Netherlands and Estonia have been approved to supply Ukraine with weapons that come from German production or East German stocks.



) *

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