The Limited Times

From the people of the book to the people of the land Israel today

3/6/2022, 8:44:42 PM

The humanities subject curriculum does not provide meaningful learning • Children simply memorize and learn orally instead of really meeting the material

Recognize that you have an ugly crack in the wall, and that instead of bringing serious plaster you just paint over and hope for the best?

Well, the good does not last long, and the crack pops up again after a while, and again you paint over, and come back for goodness sake.

The same "work in the eyes" is done again and again by the ministers of education, through subsequent reforms to hide a crack deep beneath a thick layer of paint.

This is exactly the latest reform announced by the Minister of Education, Dr. Yifat Shasha Bitton, centered on: the abolition of external matriculation examinations in history, the Bible, Hebrew literature, citizenship and oral Torah, and beyond internal examinations in tenth or eleventh grade, and writing papers Interdisciplinary in twelfth grade.

According to the planned reform, from the next school year, high school students will be examined externally in only four subjects: mathematics, English, language and an increased subject ("trend").

It should be said to the credit of the Minister that she understood that there is a deep rift in the whole issue of matriculation exams in Israel: indeed, there are too many subjects for the matriculation exam (more than 150, in case you were wondering).

On top of that, there are too many matriculation exams - we are world champions, with about 650 exams.

The humanities curriculum does not provide meaningful learning - a pair of washed-up words, which means that children simply memorize and learn orally instead of really meeting the material.

This is due, among other things, to the fact that the students are examined according to the grades only.

Not "teaching students to learn", but in most cases - being parrots.

But the reform proposed by the Minister of Education is simply a band-aid, which will not only not heal the wound, but also prevent us from seeing its severity.

Let's start with the fact that, unfortunately, there is no chance that principals and teachers will now devote time to subjects in which high school students are not tested for matriculation.

This has been proven in the framework of the alternative assessment reform.

To this the Minister replies: What suddenly ?!

There will be seminar work!

And here we come to the second problem of the reform: it is not possible to teach a child in the twelfth grade to write a seminar paper alone, or almost alone - when he has never "learned to study", research, write an essay, be intrigued, search sources, know what to search on Google to To get the exact information. To acquire these skills, you need to start instilling them as early as first grade. And this - the reform is not remedial. , And those who have not improved their economic fate - will once again find themselves in front of a broken trough and a white sheet.

The third fault, and in my deepest eyes, is, of course, related to Yigal Alon's founding sentence: "A nation that does not know its past, its present is poor and its future is shrouded in mist."

True, the OECD does not care about the biblical profession. International tests are not really impressed by the history of the Jewish people. Literature and composition are not professions that allow entry into the high-tech world.

But all of these give us the reason to be here, in this country.

They give us the reason to live here.

Muslims mock us - with the book.

Let's not make our children the peoples of the lands.

Were we wrong?


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