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"The people of Israel can feel our pain more than anyone else" Israel today


Ruslana Lizhikko, who first brought the Eurovision Song Contest to Ukraine and became a politician, describes the sad reality in which her country found itself • "Do not imagine the level of inhumanity of Putin"

Ruslana Lizhichko is a national icon in Ukraine.

In 2004, on behalf of her homeland, she picked up her first Eurovision victory - just as Ukraine was embroiled in an internal struggle, which had become violent, over its democratic character.

Ruslana became one of the figures who led the "Orange Revolution" (the first Maidan Square revolution) against the authoritarian and corrupt rule of Russia's loyalists in the country, and was even elected to the Ukrainian parliament.

Even when she left politics she did not stop fighting for a free, just and European Ukraine.

In 2012, the singer launched a protest campaign against the failures of the judicial system in Ukraine, a year later she returned to Maidan Square and the Second People's Revolution - this time against Moscow trustees' decision to cancel the Ukraine-EU link agreement.

Ruslana had already urged the West to impose sanctions on Vladimir Putin, due to his involvement in Ukraine's internal affairs.

Ruslana received as a result many threats on her life, from Russian loyalists, but also great appreciation in the West.

Among other things, Michelle Obama awarded her the "Brave Women Award" in 2014.

Now, in a special interview with "Israel Today", she expresses great appreciation for the Israeli aid and calls on Israelis to activate their ties with the people in Russia, in order to expose them to the horrors of the war in their homeland.

Ukrainian army soldiers walk on a bombed-out bridge in Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine, Photo: API

Was there a way to prevent this war?

"We could not have imagined the level of inhumanity Putin is displaying in the war against us. His goal is to dismantle Ukraine from its nationality, that is, to deprive us of our language, culture, identity and sovereignty. He is a criminal worthy of a new Nuremberg trial."

Can Ukraine resist the Russian offensive and survive this war?

"Europe's peace and prosperity depend on the outcome of this war. Ukraine is Europe. It is a basic truth, not just geographical. Ukraine will win, but only if Europe and the civilized world stand by it."

What do you think of President Zlansky and his conduct since the beginning of the war?

"Zalansky has proven himself as a worthy European head of state, as a leader and as a patriot. In the first minutes of the Russian attack I wrote to him that he could trust us in everything. There is absolute trust and unity between the government and the people against the Russian aggressor. Zalansky is a hero "And they manage to stop them."

President of Ukraine Zalansky, Photo: AFP

Is the West doing enough to come to Ukraine's aid or should it do more?

"We get help from governments and ordinary citizens. People are mobilizing and volunteering and doing unbelievable things. We have already experienced situations where European countries or publics in European countries were afraid of being harmed economically and risking to protect freedom and democracy."

What are your expectations from Israel?

"Israeli medical teams are already here, saving the lives of civilians and soldiers. Israeli hospitals are now accepting Ukrainian children with cancer free of charge. Synagogues have become shelters from bombings and shelling for everyone, regardless of their religion and citizenship. I probably do not know everything about Israeli aid. I know that Zalansky is in contact with the Israeli Prime Minister, who is doing his best to stop this war and the Russian aggression against Ukraine. We thank Israel for everything. "To influence both the common Russians and the Russian elites. The people of Israel, more than any other people, can feel our pain and show understanding for our struggle. We really hope for your help, for everything."

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-03-05

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