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War in Ukraine, last minute live | Ukraine tries to resist in Mariupol with a “fierce fight” and Russia narrows the siege of Kiev

3/6/2022, 8:38:37 AM

Visa and Mastercard suspend all their operations in Russia due to the invasion of Ukraine | Zelensky asks the US for planes | The United Nations believes that this Sunday there will be more than 1.5 million refugees

EL PAÍS offers the last hour of the conflict in Ukraine free of charge as a public service.

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Ukraine continues with a "fierce fight" in Mariupol and Mikolaiev (in the south), and in Cherniguiv (in the north), the latter close to Kiev, the country's Armed Forces reported this Sunday.

Russian troops continue their attempts to surround the Ukrainian capital, as well as Kharkov (northeast).

Efforts to evacuate the civilian population yesterday in Mariupol and Volnovaja were practically unsuccessful, after the five-hour ceasefire agreed by Russians and Ukrainians to open humanitarian corridors was not respected.

In Volnovaja, barely 400 people left, out of a total of 15,000 who wanted to flee.

The talks between Russia and Ukraine will continue on Monday, according to David Arakhamiya, one of the Ukrainian negotiators.

The United Nations believes that this Sunday the balance of refugees will rise to 1.5 million people.

Last night,

Visa and Mastercard announced the suspension of all their services in Russia.

Cards issued by Russian banks will no longer be compatible with their network.

In addition, the cards of companies issued abroad will no longer work in shops and at ATMs located on Russian territory.

On Saturday, Russian President Vladimir Putin defended the decision to invade Ukraine as "absolutely correct" and warned the West that sanctions on Russia are equivalent to a "declaration of war."

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, asked the US Senate for more planes, a possibility that the Joe Biden administration is considering carrying out together with Poland.

Tonight, Zelensky spoke with Biden about "security, financial support, and the continuation of sanctions."

  • Map of the war in Ukraine: Russians bomb Mariupol, Kiev and Kharkiv

  • Key dates of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine: when and how it started

  • The latest videos of the war in Ukraine

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Navalni calls for mass rallies this Sunday in Moscow and Saint Petersburg

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalni has called on the country's population to "ignore the bans" and take to the streets of Moscow and Saint Petersburg this Sunday to demand an end to the invasion of Ukraine and protest against Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom he has described as the main architect of the intervention.

The concentration will begin at 2:00 p.m. (noon in Spain) in the Muscovite Manège square and in the historic Gostiny Dvor shopping center in Saint Petersburg.

Both the Russian Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of the Interior have reiterated in recent hours their warnings to the population not to participate in the protests after recalling that it will be punished with up to eight years in prison, a warning against the population that Navalni has denounced as an act of repression.


It is normal to be afraid, but succumbing to it means siding with fascists and murderers.

For dignity, against Putin, for Russia and against the war," Navalni said.  





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The UN believes that this Sunday there will be more than 1.5 million refugees

The United Nations estimates that this Sunday the number of Ukrainian refugees could rise to 1.5 million.

This Saturday the agency raised to 1.3 million the number of civilians fleeing Ukraine due to the harsh Russian military offensive.

Efforts to evacuate the civilian population yesterday in Mariupol and Volnovaja were practically unsuccessful, after the five-hour ceasefire agreed by Russians and Ukrainians to open humanitarian corridors was not respected.

In Volnovaja, barely 400 people left, out of a total of 15,000 who wanted to flee.

Poland Romania and Slovakia are some of the neighboring countries that are hosting the most refugees.






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What has happened in the last hours after the invasion of Russian troops in Ukraine

On the eleventh day of war, these are the key facts at eight this Sunday morning:

  • The Ukrainian Army warns that Russia wants to seize a hydroelectric plant.

    Russian troops want to take control of a hydroelectric power plant in the city of Kaniv, 130 kilometers south of the capital, Kiev, as reported by the Ukrainian armed forces on Sunday.

    The plant, which is located on the Dnieper River, "is one of Russia's objectives in its strategy" to acquire essential infrastructure for the country, the Ukrainians have pointed out in a report collected by the Unian agency. 

  • Ukraine maintains a "fierce fight" in Mariupol, Mikolaiev and Cherniguiv.

    Ukraine continues with a "fierce fight" in Mikolaiev and Mariupol (in the south), and in Cherniguiv (in the north), according to the country's armed forces, while Russian attempts to surround Kharkiv and Kiev persist.

    In the direction of Kozelets, about 70 kilometers northeast of Kiev, the movement of 100 units of weapons and other military equipment, such as rocket launchers, has been observed, according to the DPA agency. 

  • Putin's threats increase.

    The Russian president threatened this Saturday night the existence of the Ukrainian state.

    "The current (Ukrainian) authorities must understand that if they continue to do what they are doing, they are putting the future of the Ukrainian state in doubt," Putin said.

    "And if this happens, they will be fully responsible," added the president.

  • Doctors Without Borders warns of the "catastrophic" situation in Mariupol.

    "It is imperative that this humanitarian corridor, which could have been created but did not really come into force because the ceasefire was not respected, be quickly established to allow the civilian population, women and children, to leave the city," he said. requested Laurent Ligozat, MSF emergency coordinator in Ukraine.

    The Ukrainian port of Mariupol, one of the cities that Russian troops have prevented from evacuating after breaking the ceasefire on Saturday, is under siege by the Russian military. 

  • Zelensky and Biden talk about security, sanctions and financial support.

    The Ukrainian and American leaders have addressed "security issues, financial support for Ukraine and the continuation of sanctions against Russia" in a telematic meeting, Zelensky reported on Twitter.

    The call came after the Ukrainian president met by videoconference with the United States Senate on the eve of the debate in the US Congress on the approval of a package of 10,000 million dollars in aid.

  • Von der Leyen highlights the "important role" of Spain in supplying energy to Europe. 

    The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, highlighted this Saturday during her visit to Madrid the "important role" that Spain will play in supplying energy to Europe.

    The European leader has stated after meeting with the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, the need to end dependence on "Russian gas and coal" and has highlighted the "great experience" of the Spanish energy sector in the field of renewable sources .

  • Visa and Mastercard cancel their operations with Russia. 

    Financial services multinationals have announced that cards issued by Russian banks will no longer be compatible with their network.

    At the same time, cards of companies issued abroad will no longer work in shops and at ATMs located on Russian territory.

    The two firms began blocking their transactions with Moscow last Tuesday. 

In the


, several people protect themselves from the bombing inside a hospital in Mariupol.

(AP Photo/Evgeny Maloletka)





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The Ukrainian Army warns that Russia wants to seize a hydroelectric plant

The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has assured this Sunday that Russian troops want to take control of a hydroelectric power plant in the city of Kaniv, 130 kilometers south of the capital, Kiev.

The plant, which is located on the Dnieper River, "is one of Russia's objectives in its strategy" to acquire essential infrastructure for the country, the Ukrainians have pointed out in a report collected by the Unian agency.

Russian forces already control other energy infrastructure facilities in the country, including Europe's largest nuclear power plant, located in Zaporizhia to the southeast.

Ukraine continues with a "fierce fight" in Mikolaiev and Mariupol (in the south), and in Cherniguiv (in the north), according to the country's armed forces, while Russian attempts to surround Kharkiv and Kiev persist.

In the direction of Kozelets, about 70 kilometers northeast of Kiev, the movement of 100 units of weapons and other military equipment, such as rocket launchers, has been observed, according to the DPA agency.






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Russian troops besiege Kiev as Putin's threats mount

Russian President Vladimir Putin has threatened the very existence of the Ukrainian state, as his army faces stiff resistance as it surrounds the capital Kiev and its economy is suffocated by international sanctions.

In the latest attempt to isolate Moscow from the world economy, credit card giants Visa and Mastercard have announced they are suspending operations in Russia, while world authorities have promised to intervene in the face of a growing onslaught.

"The current (Ukrainian) authorities must understand that if they continue to do what they are doing, they are putting the future of the Ukrainian state in doubt," Putin said.

"And if this happens, they will be fully responsible," he added.

Since the invasion began on February 24, the humanitarian and economic cost of the war has skyrocketed, with civilians displaced from Ukraine and Russia, and hundreds of civilians killed.






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Doctors Without Borders warns of the "catastrophic" situation in Mariupol

The humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has denounced a "catastrophic" situation in the Ukrainian port of Mariupol, one of the cities that Russian troops have prevented from evacuating after breaking the ceasefire on Saturday.

The place is under siege by the Russian military.

"It is imperative that this humanitarian corridor, which could have been created but did not really come into force because the ceasefire was not respected, be quickly established to allow the civilian population, women and children, to leave the city," he said. requested Laurent Ligozat, MSF emergency coordinator in Ukraine.






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The "no to war" of the squares of Europe

Thousands of people have demonstrated this Saturday in London, Paris, Rome and Zurich to demand an end to Vladimir Putin's aggression in Ukraine.

In France, rallies in support of Kiev were organized in more than a hundred cities.

Also in London, hundreds of people gathered to demand an end to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in the central square of Trafalgar Square with flags and banners that read phrases such as "Putin kills" and "Embargo on Russia".

On the other side of the Atlantic, in New York, thousands of people joined the demonstrations in solidarity with the Ukrainians in Times Square in which they even demanded an intervention in Ukraine from the West.

Here, the chronicle of Silvia Ayuso from Paris.





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Zelensky and Biden talk about security, sanctions and financial support

The President of Ukraine, Volodímir Zelensky, held a new conversation with Joe Biden this Saturday during the tenth day of the invasion ordered by Vladimir Putin.

Hours after Russia broke a ceasefire and prevented the cities of Mariupol and Volnovakha from being evacuated, the two leaders discussed "security issues, financial support for Ukraine and the continuation of sanctions against Russia," Zelensky reported on Twitter. .

The call came after the Ukrainian president met by videoconference with the United States Senate on the eve of the debate in the US Congress on the approval of a package of 10,000 million dollars in aid.

Members of the House have given Zelensky the opportunity to outline his country's most pressing needs in dealing with Russian aggression. 





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Von der Leyen highlights the "important role" of Spain in supplying energy to Europe

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, highlighted this Saturday during her visit to Madrid the "important role" that Spain will play in supplying energy to Europe.

The European leader has stated after meeting with the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, the need to end dependence on "Russian gas and coal" and has highlighted the "great experience" of the Spanish energy sector in the field of renewable sources .

That is, in his opinion, the starting point to guarantee the efficiency of supply in the European Union, a priority after the invasion of Ukraine ordered ten days ago by Vladimir Putin.

“Spain has an impressive percentage of renewable energies”, pointed out Von der Leyen in an institutional appearance at the Palacio de la Moncloa.

“For this we have to work on the interconnections between the Iberian Peninsula and the European Union”, he added.

Other lines of collaboration between Madrid and Brussels, the President of the Commission has indicated, will go through support for private consumers and companies that have difficulties in meeting their electricity bills.

You can read the full information here.





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Visa and Mastercard cancel their operations with Russia

The multinational financial services companies Visa and Mastercard have announced that cards issued by Russian banks will no longer be compatible with their network.

At the same time, cards of companies issued abroad will no longer work in shops and at ATMs located on Russian territory.

The two firms began blocking their transactions with Moscow last Tuesday.

These payment systems companies, with headquarters in the United States, thus make effective their economic sanctions against the Kremlin.

"We are forced to act following Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine and the unacceptable events we have witnessed," said Al Kelly, Visa's chairman and chief executive officer.

The decision of both entities comes after the European Union and the United States agreed to expel certain Russian banks from the Swift international system.

US President Joe Biden celebrated the decision in conversation with Volodímir Zelenski.

(Efe / Reuters).

05 Mar 2022 - 22:47 UTC




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Photo gallery |

The 10th day of the invasion of Russia, in pictures

In the image, by Luis de Vega, a large group of Ukrainians tries to pass under a destroyed bridge in Irpín, near Kiev, this Saturday.

See the complete photo gallery here

05 Mar 2022 - 21:58 UTC




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Spain will house refugees from Ukraine who lack resources without having to request official protection

People who arrive in Spain from Ukraine and lack financial resources may be housed in the state reception system without having to have officially requested protection.

This is established by an instruction issued on Friday by the Secretary of State for Migration which, due to "the dimensions of the humanitarian catastrophe caused" by the invasion of Russia, speeds up the procedures that are usually required to obtain a reception place.

The Government's priority, Migration sources point out, is that no one stays on the street.

You can read the complete information here

05 Mar 2022 - 21:43 UTC




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Russian oligarch Alexey Mordashov transfers 1.4 billion in TUI shares to his investment vehicles

El oligarca ruso Alexey Mordashov intenta poner a buen recaudo parte de su patrimonio ante las sanciones internacionales que cercan la economía de su país. El grupo turístico global TUI informó este sábado que Unifirm Limited, una empresa de Mordashov con sede en Chipre a través de la que poseía 33% del grupo turístico europeo, trasfirió el 4,13% de los títulos a Severgroup, el vehículo de inversión ruso del magnate. A su vez, continúa el comunicado de TUI, “Alexey Mordashov ha notificado que sus subsidiarias KN-Holding y Rayglow han vendido sus acciones en Unifirm a Ondero Limited”. Esta última compañía, según la información de Bloomberg, tiene su sede en las Islas Vírgenes Británicas, aunque se desconoce si también está a nombre del ruso. La operación, según Bloomberg, está valorada en 1.400 millones de dólares (1.270 millones de euros) y tuvo lugar el pasado 28 de febrero, cuatro días después del comienzo de la guerra, el mismo día en que se supo que Mordashov estaba en la lista de oligarcas sancionados por la UE.

Puede leer la información completa aquí

05 Mar 2022 - 21:22 UTC




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Tous cierra temporalmente sus tiendas y la venta por internet en Rusia

La firma de joyería española Tous se ha sumado al cierre temporal de su actividad en Rusia. La compañía fundada en Manresa (Barcelona) en 1920 ha tomado una decisión que afectará a unos 200 trabajadores, según han informado a la Agencia Efe fuentes de la empresa. Tous añade así su nombre a una lista entre la que se encuentran otras marcas del sector de la moda español, como Mango, Tendam o Inditex, y otras multinacionales como Nike, H&M, Prada, Chanel o Hermès.

Tous suma 55 establecimientos en Rusia, 32 de ellos en propiedad y 23 en régimen de franquicia, y desde 2016 contaba con venta por internet en el país. Por ahora, la firma ha anunciado el cierre de sus 32 tiendas y el comercio electrónico por las "actuales circunstancias" y ha explicado que cada franquicia decidirá cómo procede. (Agencias)

FOTO: Imagen de archivo de un espacio de Tous. (Getty Images)

05 Mar 2022 - 20:58 UTC




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Un avión con 227 ucranios aterriza en El Prat huyendo de la guerra

El Gobierno y la aerolínea Vueling trasladaron este sábado a Barcelona a 227 ciudadanos ucranios, la mayoría mujeres y menores (siete de ellos bebés) en el primer vuelo de rescate, “rescue flight”, que aterriza en el aeropuerto de Barcelona-El Prat. La delegada del Gobierno en Catalunya, Maria Eugènia Gay, explicó que se trata de un vuelo que había trasladado inicialmente hacia Polonia a turistas ucranianos que se encontraban en España y que, a su vuelta, se llenó con personas de Ucrania que tienen a familiares en España.

Puede leer la información completa aquí

05 Mar 2022 - 20:43 UTC




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El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores ruso habla de "rusofobia" en el extranjero

Después de que el presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, asegurara este sábado que la decisión de invadir Ucrania había sido "absolutamente correcta" y sostuviera que las sanciones a Rusia son equivalentes a una "declaración de guerra", el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores ha continuado con las manifestaciones en este sentido, al hablar de la "rusofobia" provocada por el ataque a Ucrania.

"Hemos apreciado un nivel sin precedentes de rusofobia en distintos países extranjeros, en el contexto de la operación militar especial en Ucrania", han comunicado a través de la cuenta de Twitter del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, donde también se lanza una amenaza: "Tengan la seguridad de que estamos tomando nota de todos estos incidentes". Reuters ha informado de que Rusia ha pedido a los países bálticos que protejan al personal de sus embajadas en Estonia, Letonia y Lituania "después de que un diplomático ruso fuera atacado en la capital lituana, Vilnius", según ha apuntado la agencia de noticias rusa RIA, aunque Reuters ha confirmado con un portavoz de la policía lituana que no ha habido incidentes relacionados con la embajada rusa en su país en los últimos días. (Agencias)

05 Mar 2022 - 19:54 UTC




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El presidente Zelenski pide al Senado de Estados Unidos más aviones y que deje de comprar crudo ruso

Una reunión por Zoom celebrada este sábado entre el presidente de Ucrania, Volodímir Zelenski, y el pleno del Senado de EE UU ha puesto sobre la mesa cómo se consolida el apoyo estadounidense al país eslavo. El contacto —el primero directo desde el inicio de la invasión— se ha producido en vísperas del debate en el Congreso sobre la aprobación de un paquete de 10.000 millones de dólares en ayuda, y ha dado a Zelenski la oportunidad de exponer las necesidades más perentorias de su país para afrontar la agresión rusa. Según el líder de la mayoría demócrata en la Cámara alta, Chuck Schumer, el mandatario ha solicitado más aviones, que EE UU deje de importar crudo ruso y excluir a Moscú del sistema internacional de pagos con tarjeta de crédito. Mientras, en el Kremlin, el primer ministro israelí, Naftali Bennett, se ha reunido con el presidente Vladímir Putin y se ha ofrecido como mediador entre Moscú y Kiev. Informan María Antonia Sánchez-Vallejo y Juan Carlos Sanz.

En la imagen, Antony Blinken y el ministro de Exteriores de Ucrania, Dmytro Kuleba, este sábado en el paso de Korczowa, en la frontera entre Polonia y Ucrania. La foto es de Olivier Douliery.

Puede leer la información completa aquí

05 Mar 2022 - 19:41 UTC




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Detenida en Moscú la jugadora de baloncesto estadounidense Brittney Griner por posesión de drogas

La estrella de la NBA femenina Brittney Griner, de 31 años, ha sido detenida por el Servicio Federal de Aduanas ruso en el aeropuerto Sheremetievo de Moscú al encontrar en su equipaje un vapeador con aceite de hachís, según ha informado Europa Press citando a The New York Times.

Griner juega en el Phoenix Mercury de Arizona, fue parte de la selección femenina de baloncesto en las citas olímpicas de 2016 y 2021, en las que el equipo se hizo con el oro, y fuera de la temporada estadounidense forma parte de la plantilla del UMMC Ekaterinburg ruso. Según ha indicado Reuters, podría enfrentarse a una posible sentencia de cinco a diez años de cárcel por tenencia de drogas, como marca la ley rusa, por la posesión de cartuchos "de líquido con aceite de hachís" que reveló el escaneo de su equipaje.

El equipo estadounidense de la jugadora ha asegurado que están al tanto de lo acontecido y "siguiendo de cerca la situación de Brittney Griner en Rusia". No han aclarado cuándo se produjo la detención, aunque se ha apuntado que fue en algún momento de febrero. (Agencias)

FOTO: Brittney Griner, durante un partido en Tempe, Arizona, el pasado octubre. (Christian Petersen / Getty Images / AFP)

05 Mar 2022 - 19:32 UTC




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Decenas de miles de personas dicen no a la guerra de Ucrania en Europa

Decenas de miles de personas han vuelto a salir este sábado a las calles de ciudades europeas como París, Londres, Roma, Zúrich o Hamburgo para protestar contra la guerra lanzada por el presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, contra Ucrania y para demostrar su solidaridad con la población de este país asediado.

Una de las mayores concentraciones se ha registrado en Zúrich, donde unas 40.000 personas han exigido, bajo el lema “la paz ahora” y entre banderas ucranias, un alto el fuego inmediato, negociaciones diplomáticas y la retirada de las tropas rusas, informa la agencia suiza ATS. También en la ciudad alemana de Hamburgo se han congregado unas 30.000 personas para reclamar “paz en Ucrania y seguridad en Europa”, según Reuters. La semana pasada, hasta 100.000 personas salieron a la calle en Berlín a protestar por una guerra que ha provocado ya la huida de más de 1,3 millones de refugiados en dirección a la Unión Europea. Por Silvia Ayuso

Lea aquí el artículo completo.

FOTO: Manifestantes protestan contra la guerra en Ucrania, este sábado en la plaza de La Bastilla de París. (AP/Francois Mori)

05 Mar 2022 - 19:18 UTC




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Qué ha pasado en las últimas horas tras la invasión de las tropas rusas en Ucrania

En el décimo día de guerra, estos son los datos clave a las 20.00 de este sábado:

Putin sostiene que las sanciones occidentales son equivalentes a una “declaración de guerra”. El presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, considera que las sanciones que Occidente ha impuesto a Rusia por la invasión de Ucrania son equivalentes a una “declaración de guerra”, según ha indicado este sábado. Las medidas financieras que los países occidentales han emprendido contra Moscú para asfixiar al país ha hecho tambalearse los cimientos económicos: los cajeros se han quedado sin dinero y algunos precios han subido más de un 30%.

400 personas logran salir de Volnovaja mientras siguen los bombardeos. Rusia había anunciado este sábado un alto al fuego de cinco horas para abrir corredores humanitarios en las localidades de Volnovaja y Mariupol. Pero las autoridades ucranias han parado la evacuación porque los bombardeos rusos no se han detenido. Apenas 400 personas han podido ser desalojados de Volnovaja, mientras unos 15.000 habitantes esperan para salir de la ciudad. Más tarde, las fuerzas rusas han retomado oficialmente los ataques y están llevando a cabo una amplia ofensiva tomando varios pueblos y aldeas, según ha informado la agencia de noticias Interfax citando al Ministerio de Defensa ruso.

Ucrania anuncia que las conversaciones con Rusia se retomarán el lunes. David Arakhamiya, uno de los negociadores ucranios con Rusia, ha anunciado en Facebook que las conversaciones entre ambos países continuarán el lunes, 7 de marzo.

El primer ministro israelí se reúne con Putin en Moscú. El primer ministro israelí, Naftali Bennett, se ha reunido este sábado en el Kremlin con el presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, para mantener conversaciones sobre la guerra en Ucrania, según ha informado un portavoz del Gobierno de Israel. Bennett se ha ofrecido en los últimos días para mediar entre Rusia y Ucrania tras haber hablado por teléfono el pasado miércoles con Putin y el presidente ucranio, Volodímir Zelenski.

Más de 8.200 personas han sido detenidas en Rusia por protestar contra la guerra. 8.283 personas han sido detenidas en Rusia desde el 24 de febrero por protestar contra la invasión de este país a Ucrania, según recoge el portal de derechos civiles OVD-Info. Al menos 2.749 personas han sido detenidas en la segunda ciudad más grande de Rusia, en San Petersburgo y 3.888 en la capital del país, Moscú.

RTVE deja de informar temporalmente desde Rusia. La cadena pública de televisión ha anunciado que deja de informar temporalmente desde el país tras la entrada en vigor de una ley que prevé 15 años de cárcel por difundir "información falsa". RTVE sigue así el camino de otras cadenas como la británica BBC, las alemanas ZDF y ARD, la RAI italiana, y la estadounidense CNN, la canadiense CBC o la agencia de noticias Bloomberg.

En la imagen, un militar ucranio junto a dos tanques rusos capturados, en el norte de la región de Járkov, el sábado. La foto es de Irina Rybakova. Puede ver más fotos del día aquí.

05 Mar 2022 - 19:00 UTC




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