The Limited Times

Third negotiations between Russia and Ukraine ended

3/7/2022, 8:51:25 PM

Twelve days of war, three rounds of negotiations: the delegations from Russia and Ukraine now seem to have agreed on small steps forward in setting up escape corridors. Thursday will be relevant.

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The Ukrainian (left) and Russian delegations at the venue in Belarus


Delegations from Russia and Ukraine met twice in Belarus in the past week – without any result.

Now both sides have met again, with "small, positive changes" according to the Ukrainian side.

This was reported by the Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podoliak on Twitter.

According to this, the logistics regarding the establishment of humanitarian corridors have come closer.

According to Podoljak, he again brought up a ceasefire and security guarantees for those seeking protection.

Belarusian state media in Minsk also reported the end of the third round of negotiations, citing the Russian embassy there.

The meeting lasted around three hours.

However, the Russian side did not report the results.

The humanitarian corridors for rescuing people from embattled areas have been the main topic of the delegations since last Thursday.

Russian negotiator Vladimir Medinsky had complained that none of the corridors were functional.

Dispute over escape corridors

Both sides had agreed on the escape corridors at their second meeting.

At the weekend, however, two attempts to evacuate residents of the city of Mariupol in southeastern Ukraine failed.

Both sides accused each other of violating an agreed ceasefire.

A planned rescue of civilians from embattled cities did not progress on Monday either.

As a condition for a cessation of fighting, Russia is demanding that Ukraine declare itself neutral in its constitution.

In addition, Kyiv must recognize the annexed Black Sea peninsula of Crimea as Russian and the separatist areas as independent.

The Ukrainian government rejects the demands.

As important as the talks are for those seeking protection, it is unclear what significance they can play in a possible pacification of the Ukraine war.

Russia has not sent any high-ranking representatives to the rounds, and the Kremlin always denies the Ukrainian government's legitimacy.

A first meeting of the respective chief diplomats is planned for Thursday: Then the foreign ministers of Russia and Ukraine will meet in Ankara, mediated by Turkey.


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