The Limited Times

Knesset Secretary Meller-Horowitz retired: "I served in the Holy Land" | Israel today

3/9/2022, 7:03:34 AM

After 12 years in the job and about 45 years in total in the Mishkan, the veteran employee is retiring •

The Knesset said goodbye yesterday (Tuesday) to Knesset Secretary Yardena Meller-Horowitz, who is retiring at the end of March.

Meller-Horowitz was the first woman to be elected to the position, which includes the parliamentary management of the Knesset and its committees, including the preparation and organization of Knesset plenary deliberations, advising the Knesset Speaker and his deputies on bylaws, practice and procedure, and overseeing the implementation of plenary decisions.

"Thank you for the trust and the joint work," Meller-Horowitz said.

"I served in the Holy Land. This house was sometimes my first home. The Knesset today is almost different from the one I entered, during the upheaval in 1977. The last two years have been particularly challenging, due to four elections and the outbreak of the corona. We needed creative solutions. "One day, too. As Knesset secretary, I was privileged to announce Avraham's agreements. When I came in 1977 and left in 2022, they brought peace to us. What will I bless you with, Knesset?

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