The Limited Times

Road haulage: proposed agreement, for now averted the arrest

3/15/2022, 7:42:34 PM

At the round table on road transport, the Government presented the proposal for a Memorandum of Understanding to the Associations which, pending the signing, "have undertaken to avert the national arrest" of the trucks. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, MARCH 15 - At the table on road transport, the Government presented the proposal for a Memorandum of Understanding to the Associations which, pending the signing, "have undertaken to avert the national arrest" of the trucks.

"It is a work that does not stop with the development of the Protocol, which I hope everyone agrees and can be signed in the next few days", underlined the Deputy Minister for Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility, Teresa Bellanova, explaining that in the Protocol "there are the qualifying points lose new momentum to the sector ".

First of all, compliance with the "fuel cost adjustment clause".

He has been asking the government to intervene on excise duties from several quarters.

"We are evaluating the cut in excise duties which, in my opinion, cannot be deferred",

said the Minister of Agriculture, Stefano Patanelli, announcing that the decree to reduce the price of fuels "will certainly be ready this week".

Even for Bellanova itself, an intervention on excise duties "cannot be renewed".


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