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The Triple Summit in Egypt: Bennett Discusses with al-Sisi and Ben Zayed on Changing Attitudes Toward Assad | Israel today

3/22/2022, 4:51:46 PM

The Prime Minister, Egyptian President and Crown Prince of the Emirates raised the possibility of returning Syria to the Arab League and the implications that such a move would have • Israel does morally disqualify the Syrian president, but the top interest is the withdrawal of Iranian forces • Islamic

The triple summit in Sharm el-Sheikh:

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett discusses with Egyptian leaders and the United Arab Emirates the possibility of Syria returning to the Arab League and the implications that arise for Israel and the region.

The issue arose, following the historic meeting on Saturday of the Emirate's regent, Muhammad bin Zayed (Mabaz) with the Syrian president, who was boycotted by Arab countries and most of the world, due to the massacre of his people during the Syrian civil war.

At the tripartite meeting, many details were presented about the meeting and the reasons for it, and new information was received that would affect Jerusalem's position on the issue.

In the political and security system, no position has been formed on the issue of the laundering of Bashar Assad, who is a "persona non greta" in the West.

Israel shares the moral position that disqualifies Assad as a legitimate leader.

However, the top Israeli interest is the withdrawal of Iranian forces from Syria.

The excellent relationship between Israel and the Emirates, and in particular the warm personal relationship between Prime Minister Bennett and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, may lead to coordinated activity on the issue. Conducted by Mabaz to Assad, and the move added to tensions between the two countries.

It should be noted that for Israel, the issue of the treatment of Assad is in very early stages.

In the political system, the process of returning it to the Arab nation is seen as a drama with historical aspects, but there is no position on how to proceed.

Bennett at the summit in Sharm el-Sheikh, Photo: Office of the President of Egypt

The unprecedented summit between Bennett, Sisi and Muhammad bin Zayed dealt with a wide range of regional and international issues.

The three discussed bilateral and trilateral co-operation between the countries.

They talked about the economic effects of the war in Ukraine, and in particular about wheat prices - an issue that is very troubling to Egypt.

In addition, the three leaders dealt with the U.S. intention to sign a nuclear deal with Iran. It also discussed in detail the administration's intention to remove the Revolutionary Guards from the U.S. list of terrorist organizations. .

In addition, Prime Minister Bennett presented his view that a regional defense system should be maintained against Iran, and that this should be done whether or not a nuclear deal is signed.

With regard to Egyptian-Israeli relations, Bennett and Sisi discussed the possibility of Egyptian airlines opening a route from Ben Gurion Airport to Sharm el-Sheikh, given the exorbitant prices charged by Israeli companies.

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