The Limited Times

Opinion | Bennett, Ganz and Saar are sure they are heroes who save democracy, the public thinks otherwise | Israel today

3/25/2022, 1:04:24 PM

In the Injustice League of Batman Ganz, Superman Saar and Spider-Man Bennett do not hear the cry of the public suffering from the cost of living • The words "I saved democracy" have become a dog's whistle that should alert and warn of a non-existent threat •

After the theological discourse (government is a miracle), they moved on to superhero comics.

Time, as they say, flies when you have fun, and indeed almost without us feeling it, this week the Blue and White Party marked three years since its establishment.

In the party that was formed as a union between Bnei Gantz, Yair Lapid and Gabi Ashkenazi, caused a political explosion and almost managed to become a ruling party, they chose not to mark the event by enlisting and becoming citizens - but by a solemn gathering of activists and a speech by the party's only survivor.

In his speech marking the occasion, amid statements that he intends to occupy the prime minister and self-patting on the back, Ganz stated that one of Blue and White's achievements in the first three years of her life is nothing less and nothing more than saving democracy.

Defense Minister Ganz and Prime Minister Bennett (Archive), Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

The defense minister is not the first to take ownership of the savage rescue of Israeli democracy, and he is part of a group that has made it a habit to wear the robe of a superhero called to the flag to prevent Israel from sinking into dictatorial darkness.

Also prominent on the list are Minister Gideon Saar, who repeats the statement almost every interview or speech, and even clarifies that the danger to democracy has not passed, along with former Attorney General Dr. Mandelblit, to whose credit it must be said that he did not take the perfect credit for himself. Save us. "Lapid's Bad Future and Bennett's Right also want to be honored for the miraculous achievement.

The public does not think they are the heroes

But it is not clear what makes Batman Ganz and his friends Superman Saar and Spider-Man Bennett see themselves as coming from somewhere to extricate democracy from the clutches of evil.

It is quite clear that the public does not think so, or at least will not reward them at the ballot box with votes that will convey the message that these are indeed defenders of democracy.

Still, in the Justice League of Coalition Superheroes the public is seen as a young lady in distress, who while she does not see herself in real danger, such a thing will not prevent the heroes from coming to her rescue.

According to them, she just does not understand that she needs rescue, but they will emerge from the dark alley covered in cloak, bald and title, and save her.

There is something almost absurd in the notion of saving the democracy of Batman Ganz and the Justice League established in his head and in the minds of his associates, who, while speaking high and high, are actually doing the opposite.

Taking over the military broadcasting station, legislation that would allow censorship of content on social media, the appointment of a legal adviser to the government in a dubious procedure and the smuggling of the police espionage case - are just some of the actions between them and democracy and rescue.

Gideon Saar, Photo: Yossi Zeliger

On top of that, it's not particularly likely that the original Batman will count countless Norwegians, and it's hard to imagine a situation where Superman appoints his sister-in-law to a senior position or takes care of expelling wayward coalition members to coveted positions around the world to buy their resignations.

Beyond that, it also seems that the priorities have gone wrong among the defenders of our democracy who identify danger where it is not, and get a knee-jerk reaction when it comes time to act in the face of a present and real danger.

The most obvious example is the non-existent struggle against the new nuclear deal with Iran, which, it seems, has suddenly run out of courage for Batman Ganz, Superman Saar and Spider-Man Bennett - and instead of confronting and acting against it, they choose to curl up in a fetal position without reacting.

Even the cries of their citizens for the rising cost of living have not been heard by the saviors of our democracy, and not even a raging epidemic has taken them out of the den of their superheroes, in line with the almost declared government policy: save democracy, rest contain. 

The words "I saved democracy" have become a dog whistle that is supposed to alert and warn of a non-existent threat.

Their real purpose is to create the ability of politicians like Batman Ganz to portray themselves as lying on the fence with nobility for all.

These are meaningless and essential words that come to cover a wide impotence in the face of a long list of issues, a surrender to a megalomaniacal legal system and a government in which everyone sees themselves as superheroes and all the other partners as arch-villains.

Warn of a non-existent threat

Batman Ganz, Superman Assault and Spider-Man Bennett are the opposite of heroes.

They have not saved democracy and they show weakness and weakness in the face of every challenge, one that comes from the outside and one that threatens from the inside.

The only superpower at their disposal is the use of state resources to invest tens of millions of shekels in fortifying houses, building bureaus and appointing associates.


Management of the state?

A war on inflation and climbing prices?

These are trifles that are appropriate for the masses, not the superheroes who are engaged in the important task of saving democracy, in speeches and words.

While you are in isolation, having a hard time paying at the supermarket or looking towards Iran and a little worried, they are busy measuring the hero’s robe and standing in front of the mirror to inflate muscles.

And if you do not recognize that they are superheroes who save Israeli democracy hour by hour, you will very quickly find that it is actually you who are trying to destroy it, and you will immediately become villains.

Were we wrong?


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