The Limited Times

The roots of megalomania: the archeological "hostages" in Turkey Israel today

3/26/2022, 3:47:21 PM

Other countries have stolen antiquities, but today's Turkey is a special case • Erdogan, patron of the Muslim Brotherhood, sees himself as the heir to the Ottoman suits, for whom it is a living dream and in the future will rise again.

Do not hold your breath.

Unlike the Oknin couple, the "hostage" known as the "shipping address" will not be released so quickly from the golden cage that the Turks locked her in more than a century ago.

The reason for this is simple: holding on to an address, as in other covetous pockets that the fathers of the empire robbed themselves of, is no longer an Erdogan whim.

In this case - there is a logic behind the madness: whoever returns to the schools in his country the learning of the Ottoman language and combines in formal receptions guards in uniform and clothing representing the soldiers of the caliphate, will not hurry to return the robbery address, which the revered sultans robbed us of.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who sees himself as the representative of Muslim civilization on earth and as the successor to Salah a-Din and the glorious Suleiman - the man who by order turned the 1,400-year-old Aya Sophia church into a mosque - will not relinquish control of antiquities expropriated by Ottoman sultans.

For him, that sultanate is an object of longing and a dream that will come true.

The inscription itself, which excites us so much and intertwines the history of the people of Israel, interests Erdogan like a garlic peel: the documentation from the time of Hezekiah king of Judah, of a meeting between two groups of Hebrew hewers in a female gloom that led the Gihon to the Shiloah pool, is unimportant to him.

On the other hand, it is important for Erdogan to prove, also by continuing to hold on to the antiquities of the empire, that his great Turkey is the real thing, and above all - superiority over inferior cultures and religions, as it was in the days of the empire.

"Terms of Omar" from the beginning of the eighth century, which regulated the status of the Dimim - Jewish and Christian protégés - as non-Muslim nationals governed by Islamic law, may no longer be relevant in present-day Turkey, but in the Erdogan world - their spirit continues to hover.

According to the basic view of the Muslim Brotherhood, which Erdogan sees himself as their world patron, the Jews are not a people, but a religion and a collection of communities belonging to other places and peoples.

The Jewish religion is the idle religion - Din al-Batel - compared to Islam, the real religion - Din al-Haq.

In Erdogan's view, the purpose of Islam is to take the place of Judaism and Christianity, which are religions that can only exist as dimi - tolerable religions - that depend on a Muslim ruler.

This is why his Turkey is in no hurry to give up valuable antiquities, which are identified with "inferior" cultures and religions.

Pieces of history

The Museum of Antiquities in Istanbul also has a lattice inscription, which is mentioned in the writings of Yosef ben Matityahu and warns:

The grille was found in 1871 on the wall of an Arab school north of the Temple Mount, after being incorporated there for secondary use.

He was uprooted from there, as the shipping address was uprooted from the shipping female, and they both arrived in Turkey.

Turkey also holds in Istanbul Crusader titles taken from the Latrun region, as well as a fifth-century Orpheus mosaic.

The mosaic was taken from the floor of a Byzantine church, discovered in the 19th century north of the Nablus Gate, and incorporated the figure of Euripao from Greek mythology (half human and half god) while playing the harp.

Elsewhere in the Museum of Antiquities in Istanbul, the Ostraka Samaria - 102 ostracas (pottery fragments) with drawings of reservoirs and types of food are kept.

These were discovered in Sebastia in 1910 as part of the treasure of Ahab's palace, King of Israel, and date to his period 785-759 BC.

The Turks also took with them from the country a carrot tablet from the ninth century BC, discovered in Tel Gezer in 1908 by archaeologist Robert McAllister, and for a long time considered the oldest archeological inscription in ancient Hebrew script. That characterize them.

Even the beautiful seal of Megiddo, with the figure of the lion, sent as a gift to Sultan 'Abd al-Hamid during the First World War and traces were lost, the Turks robbed. , By Gottlieb Schumacher from the Templar community in Haifa. The seal probably belonged to Shema, one of the officials of Jeroboam II, King of Israel (784-748 BC).

The image of the lion is embedded in the emblem of the Megiddo Regional Council, in an Israeli stamp, and even on a half-shekel coin in the early 1980s.

A political game tool

The Turks, it must be said, are not the only ones who have stolen antiquities from countries not theirs and continue to possess them, even though the days of colonialism have passed.

Britain also sinned in this and so did France.

Anyone who visits the Louvre Museum in Paris will discover in one of the halls a variety of exhibits from the Tombs of the Kings in Jerusalem, which a French excavation delegation moved there.

One of the most prominent of these is a beautiful sarcophagus (stone coffin), with magnificent reliefs of pomegranate, etrog, oak acorns, olive branches and grape clusters.

Foreign delegations, by the way, robbed antiquities not only of us.

The famous Nefertiti statue is honorably housed in the new museum in Berlin, and the Germans, despite Egyptian demand, refuse to return it.

Queen Nefertiti in Egypt about 3,400 years ago and her famous statue is one of the most copied from that period.

And despite all this, Erdogan's Turkey is a different, special, almost obsessive case, which even during a vigorous reconciliation and courtship of us does not release its hold on cultural assets whose whole essence is the Land of Israel and the history of the Jewish people.

This is, if you will, the real litmus paper on which the Erdogan intentions will be tested.

When Erdogan returns them to us, we will know that something has really changed.

When Erdogan also removes from Turkey the many functions identified with the Muslim Brotherhood's international de-legitimization system against us, we will know that has changed.

Dr. Ehud Rosen, one of the top researchers in the Muslim Brotherhood's networks around the world, recently noted that "almost all of these functions today are related in one way or another to Turkey."

Erdogan himself, it seems, perhaps inadvertently, explained things while still a prime minister, when he described as "sisters" a number of cities previously ruled by the Ottoman Empire: Mecca, Cairo, Alexandria, Beirut, Istanbul and Ankara. Because the world must know that Nablus, Jericho, Gaza and Jerusalem are also sister cities to Istanbul.

The treasure troves that the Turks robbed are therefore one of the threads by which Erdogan megalomania still ties itself to a glorious sultanate and to the days of the Muslim suit in which the status of the Jews, as the Dimim class, the protégés.

Antiquities are a symptom only. 

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