The Limited Times

The anti-western leader

3/27/2022, 5:00:03 AM

Putin's isolation is, above all, Western. The former Non-Aligned countries are about to wait and see who wins

We have been in a large-scale war for a month now, with medieval bombardments and sieges, attacks on civilians in hospitals, schools and bread queues, displacement of populations such as has not been seen since the time of Hitler and Stalin, including forced deportations, use of prohibited weapons such as thermobaric and fragmentation bombs and exhibition, at the moment only threatening, of the most feared, the chemical, biological and even nuclear ones.

It is properly a European war that affects, above all, the Europeans, although some apparently have not yet found out.

Not to mention the citizens of other continents, far from the war scenes and often also from the values ​​and ideas that are leading to close ranks among those who share them in solidarity with Ukraine.

In reality, part of the countries that are not directly concerned prefer to look at it from a distance and make the most of both the European and American difficulties and the weakened Russia that emerges from the conflict.

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War is horror for some, those who wage it and suffer, and, like any crisis, and this one is big, also an opportunity for those who know how to take advantage of it.

The one in Iraq in 2003 was presented by those who promoted it as a great opportunity to have oil and do business.

There, the privatization of the war was organized, in which 180,000 mercenaries participated, hired by 60 security companies, among which Blackwater stood out, the model followed by Wagner, the Russian military company promoted in the vicinity of the Kremlin.

Putin's isolation is, above all, Western.

China and India, half of humanity, prefer to abstain at the United Nations rather than vote against Russia.

They are about to wait and see who comes out on top.

There are countries that take advantage of sanctions to obtain gas and oil contracts at a good price.

They also count the old anti-Western and anti-American sentiments, shared in some way by certain western extreme right and left.

They prefer the cynicism of force exhibited by Putin to the hypocrisy of legality shown especially by the United States, the superpower that has given the most gifts to authoritarians in terms of double standards in human rights.

The economic sanctions, the isolation in international organizations and the indictment of Putin for war crimes, regardless of their more or less mediocre effects, are raising the map of a new division of the world, in which the cohesive Western bloc is already identified for the war of aggression against Ukraine and then the rest, the Non-Aligned of yesteryear, among whom there is, more than we think in Europe, both sympathy for the brutal anti-Western leader and maximum attention to the victor's chariot, whom everyone wants to yoked their interests.

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