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Oscars 2022 and Will Smith's slap: first a severe freak, then many tears

3/28/2022, 1:06:37 PM

A slap in the face, apologies and an overstrained direction: SPIEGEL correspondent Marc Pitzke witnessed Oscar night. His analysis in the video.

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Marc Pitzke, THE MIRROR

»They promised us a lot of surprises, here at the Dolby Theater in Hollywood for the Oscars, but what happened next was certainly not what the producers expected either.

It happened two and a half hours into the show.

After a very good, brilliant start, everything sagged a bit.

The mood was a bit tired.

And then Chris Rock walked onstage to present the award, the Oscar for Best Documentary, cracking a few jokes about how he does it along the way.

And one of them about Jada Pinkett Smith.

The two sat at a table at the front of the stage and Chris Rock made fun of Smith's shaved head.

What some do not know: She suffers from a disease that other black women in particular also suffer from, which leads to hair loss.

Chris Rock, comedian


Will Smith just gave me a pretty good one."

Marc Pitzke, THE MIRROR

»You could still see that on television, even behind the scenes.

What happened then was hidden from television by the ABC station, because they are always very puritanical here.

But we heard it well.«

Will Smith, actor

"Don't put my wife's name in your damn mouth."

Marc Pitzke, THE MIRROR

»And then of course everyone notices that it wasn't a studied joke anymore.

That was really serious.

He freaked out and of course that killed the mood immediately.

In the hall, backstage.

Everywhere here in the whole theater.

And this is no joke.

It was assault on the open stage, in front of cameras on live TV, and no matter what's behind it, that's not okay.

And of course there was great excitement.

If he wins the award now, the Oscar for best actor.

Then what will he say?

Will he apologize?

Will he bring it up somehow?

The people laughed, they also cheered him during his quasi apology speech, he cried.

It was that Hollywood cliché of the repentant hero, but of course that was all, at least in my opinion, also quite nonsense.«

Will Smith, actor

"Love makes you do crazy things."

Marc Pitzke, THE MIRROR


Of course, love doesn't justify violence, many women who are abused know that too, of course, and the whole thing left a very, very unpleasant aftertaste here.

On the other hand, there are of course much more important and bigger problems in the world than this Oscar ceremony.

People die every day in Ukraine.

The fact that this show, which is taking place here at all, while war is raging at the other end of the world, was a matter of heated debate beforehand.

You can really see how far the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which organizes this, has actually strayed from reality.

The Oscars must be anchored in politics and in society.

We can't pretend it's not happening.

They say: Yes, it's a dream factory

but on the other side of the world in Europe it's a nightmare.

You could have used this stage in front of 200 million television viewers worldwide to make more of it.

Instead we have a scandal involving a slap in the face and a freaked out award winner.

These are the Oscars 2022, these were the Oscars 2022.«

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