The Limited Times

Opinion | The deeds will be examined away from the sterile hotel in the Negev Israel today

3/29/2022, 3:36:31 AM

Despite the cynicism and shadow of the terrible attack in Hadera - the Negev summit succeeded in its mission • It left aside the struggles of the right and left, and filled the space with optimism

At the end of the Negev summit, on the way down from the stage, the Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Abdullah Ben-Zayed, grabbed his Israeli counterpart Yair Lapid, whispered something in his ear and then gave him a strong hug.

Without the etiquette of His Majesty and the Minister, but more in the direction of "my brother."

A few minutes earlier, Sheikh Ben-Zayed, in light and direct English, stood on the stage and said what many of us memorize from kindergarten.

How since the peace with Egypt, March 26, 1979, 43 years ago, has no one bothered to update the version?

There are countries here that do not even remember what they fought over.

Yesterday morning it was possible to put aside the pile of cynicism for a moment and put in its place music appropriate for historical celebrations.

On one stage a picture was formed that until recently was almost imaginary.

Galabiyas and suits, Arabic and Hebrew.

The big wear and tear: the location

It was difficult to remain indifferent when Bahrain's foreign minister, 'Abd al-Latif al-Ziani, emphatically condemned the attack in Hadera, mourned the loss of families who had lost loved ones, and when Moroccan foreign minister Nasser Burita expressed condolences on behalf of the kingdom.

It suddenly seems natural, human.

It was a summit in a bubble, with no background noise, that did not deviate from the protocol.

Whoever chose the location at the Kedma Hotel - knew what he was doing.

Wipe hard cold, all around only sand and sand.

There is no Tel Aviv pressure or Jerusalem tension.

There is nowhere to disperse and there is also no one to spoil.

Dozens of media people who arrived waited for hours for the six tenors to finish the debate and give a statement to the world air.

I meanwhile counted vehicles in the busy parking lot.

I have not seen a three-door Mercedes E350 in the service of the country for a long time.

One of the drivers confirmed that he had not seen these cars for years, because there were no such large and respectable delegations here.

At the end, when everyone was dispersed, Foreign Minister Lapid and US Secretary of State Anthony Blinkan went to David Ben-Gurion's grave to update the chief of the tribe.

"The old man" once said: "History is not written, history is made."

The acts are examined away from the sterile hotel, without the clatter of glasses and polished speeches.

So days will say.

Were we wrong?


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