The Limited Times

Opinion | Too invested to admit failure | Israel today

4/3/2022, 8:31:44 PM

Silman, Shaked, Auerbach and perhaps some Knesset members from a new hope, hoped to go to a government that gives up the right-wing majority in the Knesset in advance, without paying the price of combining extreme leftists and Arabs • If a few months ago they could justify

Idit Silman's words that she will not accept a change in matters of religion and state, such as the same stomach aches that befell her and some of her friends when they formed this government.

This does not mean that if they get a gym class, she and her friends will not take the opportunity to bring her down and return to the right.

Silman, Shaked, Auerbach, and perhaps even some new hopeful MKs, really hoped to go with and feel without.

To go to a government that gives up the right-wing majority in the Knesset in advance, without paying the price of combining extreme left-wing and Arab people - into one coalition and senior key positions in the state administration.

Horowitz ordered hospitals to allow the introduction of chametz, the coalition chairman valid: "Contempt for 70% of the state" // Knesset channel

They desperately wanted their status to rise after a few months in power, and in polls their parties would soar.

Let the public get used to the government, and especially to the status of Naftali Bennett as prime minister, as happened to everyone who sat in the coveted chair before him.

But none of these happened.

As time goes on, more and more audiences are joining the circle of the disappointed, including those who wanted to give a chance and believed in the promises and false representations of the beginning.

What bothers them most is that it is a one-way road.

A large public leaves, but no one joins in parallel.

The left, which supports the government in general, does not support Bennett and does not intend to vote for the right, and the pool of right-wing votes that supported the government is emptying.

The last group to be abandoned is the Yesha Council. Prominent heads of councils and localities, including the chairman of the Yesha Council itself, supported the government almost unreservedly.

In recent weeks there has been no need to persuade, after it has become clear that foreign policy rests on total surrender to the Americans and the current administration hostile to the settlement, more so than even the Obama or Clinton administration.

Where John Kerry would have been received with hostility and suspicion among senior members of the previous government, Linken is warmly received in the current government as if he were a longtime friend.

Right-wing Knesset members recently feel as if the rope is tightening around their necks.

If only a few months ago they could justify themselves and make excuses, today it is already much more difficult.

But from here to the announcement of retirement, by Silman or others, there is still a long way to go.

This group has invested too much time in this government, and in deep self-conviction, to admit failure.

However, the failure is so obvious that it is no longer clear how much more they will be able to attract.

Were we wrong?


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