The Limited Times

Ayman Odeh: I spoke with Herzog and Lapid regarding Fida's release as Yuan Israel today

4/5/2022, 11:38:22 AM

The chairman of the joint list added that his party is working with all relevant parties to overturn the death penalty • At the same time, Kiwan's family reported that the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Regional Cooperation did not assist the detainee during the trial.

MK Ayman Odeh spoke today (Tuesday) with President Yitzhak Herzog and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid regarding the young Israeli woman, Fida Kiwan, who was sentenced to death in the United Arab Emirates for her seizure with a pound of drugs.

The chairman of the joint list added that his party is working with all relevant parties to abolish the death penalty and save Fida's life as a yuan.

The family also contacted the Mossawa Center (the rights of Arab citizens in Israel) on Thursday following the ruling.

The family reported that the State Department and the Department for Regional Cooperation did not assist the detainee during the trial.

They appealed several times to the Minister of Massage Fridge and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who promised that the issue would be addressed, but did not receive a substantive response.

Among other things, the family turned to a private lawyer who would appeal the verdict.

The Mossawa Center said that "if it was a suspect of Jewish origin, government ministries would work to help her and her family. We saw how Prime Minister Netanyahu brought a Jewish suspect from Russia in his private plane. The suspect denies the suspicions, and claims the drugs belong to the apartment she lives in."

MK Ayman Odeh // Photo: Oren Ben Hakon,

Earlier, Isis, Fida's sister, claimed to have been deceived.

"She went there to work with a Palestinian businessman from Ramallah and fell victim. He gave her a house to live in and within two weeks she was arrested. The case is not hers - she is a victim," she told the GLC. 

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