The Limited Times

Presidential 2022: how Anne Hidalgo's bet turned into a total fiasco

4/8/2022, 6:27:40 PM

STORY – The Socialists thought they had found their champion. They now expect "a historic and heavy defeat" in the first round.

At the PS, you have to pinch yourself to believe it.

Their candidate, Anne Hidalgo, has so collapsed in the polls – she is between 1.5 and 2.5% – that she finds herself neck and neck with Jean Lassalle and Philippe Poutou.

Vertiginous, and even shameful for all these socialist elephants who occupied, a few years ago, the greatest ministries of the country.

The rose of the PS, which bends for a long time, now seems to break nothing.

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The Socialists, however, thought they had found their champion.

Mayor of Paris, re-elected in an armchair in 2020, daughter of immigrants who owe everything to the Republic, aware of climate challenges... Anne Hidalgo ticks the boxes.

However, the takeoff in the polls does not happen.

And the first controversies invite themselves.

In September, his proposal to double the salaries of teachers passes for a highly touted promise.

At the same time, Anne Hidalgo is targeted on social networks for her management of the capital.

"We misjudged the importance...

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