The Limited Times

Presidential 2022: Yannick Jadot collects 4.4% in the first round, according to our estimates

4/10/2022, 6:10:25 PM

The environmental candidate failed to qualify for the second round after the first round of the presidential election. The "green wave" of

The figure is obviously disappointing.

At the end of the first round, according to the results available at 8 p.m., Yannick Jadot would obtain 4.4% of the votes, according to our Ipsos-Sopra Steria estimates for Le Parisien - Today in France, France Télévisions and Radio France.

The candidate of Europe Ecology - The Greens is thus placed 6th, far behind Emmanuel Macron, Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, respectively at 28.1%, 23.3% and 20.1%.

As it stands, below 5%, this score would not allow him to obtain full reimbursement for his campaign.

The craze for the Greens therefore seems to have fallen since the municipal elections of 2020, a year which had allowed environmental candidates to seize large cities such as Bordeaux, Lyon, Strasbourg or even Poitiers, after the breakthrough made in the Europeans.

With 13.47% of the vote, EELV positioned itself as the leading left-wing party, ahead of France Insoumise (6.31%) and the PS (6.19%).

Admittedly, Yannick Jadot had narrowly won the primary for his party, beating Sandrine Rousseau at the post, in the second round, with 51.03% of the vote.

122,000 people had registered.

However, the campaign was not easy for the Greens: in early March, the one who finished second in the primary was excluded from Yannick Jadot's team, for his comments deemed too negative.

Refusal of a single application on the left

The environmentalist has consistently refused calls from the left foot to organize a primary allowing a rally behind a single candidacy.

He had also dismissed the Popular Primary, the collective of citizens who had chosen Christiane Taubira as a candidate.

Both times, he argued that he had already been elected to represent his camp.

In 2017, Yannick Jadot - who won the environmental primary - agreed to join Benoît Hamon, chosen by left-wing voters.

A decision widely approved by the Greens at the time.

But, on the evening of the first round, it had been a cold shower: the former Minister of National Education had obtained only 6.36% of the vote.

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