The Limited Times

Presidential result 2022: Roussel regrets the "useful vote" on the left and calls to vote Macron

4/10/2022, 7:39:56 PM

The communist candidate called to block Marine Le Pen in the second round. Despite a fractured left, Fabien Roussel had wanted to go to the end of his presidential adventure. But with 2.5% of votes cast at the end of the first round, according to Ifop estimates, the communist candidate did not manage to reach the score of 5%, synonymous with reimbursement of campaign expenses. From his campaign headquarters, Fabien Roussel regretted the " ground swell " of the " so- call

Despite a fractured left, Fabien Roussel had wanted to go to the end of his presidential adventure.

But with 2.5% of votes cast at the end of the first round, according to Ifop estimates, the communist candidate did not manage to reach the score of 5%, synonymous with reimbursement of campaign expenses.

From his campaign headquarters, Fabien Roussel regretted the "

ground swell

" of the " so-

called useful vote

", which "

has largely served the three candidates who came out on top, to the detriment of all the others


To discover

  • LIVE - Presidential 2022: follow the first round of the election

  • Presidential 2022: find here the result of the first round of the election from Sunday evening

  • Presidential 2022: receive the results of your municipality as soon as they are published

  • Compare the programs of the candidates for the 2022 presidential election

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In a meeting in Villeurbanne, Fabien Roussel castigates the argument of the "useful vote"

Rising in the polls in recent days, which placed him in third position, Jean-Luc Mélenchon had indeed several times called for a "

useful vote

" on the left in his favor, in order to reach the second round.

Fabien Roussel, for his part, has always maintained his candidacy, to the great displeasure of the rebellious leader who hoped for a joint candidacy between his movement and the Communist Party, as was the case in 2012 and 2017. Fabien Roussel's speech moreover was booed by supporters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon at the Cirque d'Hiver.

Shut up!

“, “

Without him, Mélenchon passed

”, in particular blew an activist LFI in tears.

Blocking Marine Le Pen

Fabien Roussel then called for a vote in favor of Emmanuel Macron to block Marine Le Pen in the second round of the election.


Faithful to the whole history of our political family, I will never allow a racist and xenophobic project to be implemented at the head of the state

," he said.


I call this evening to beat the extreme right, using the only bulletin at our disposal


With his outspokenness and his will and his personality, Fabien Roussel will remain one of the revelations of the campaign.

In January, the member of the North had been under the spotlight after his release on French gastronomy - "

good meat, good wine, good cheese

" - which had aroused the ire of part of the left.

If he did not manage to impose himself as the leader of his camp, Fabien Roussel will have restored the image of the Communist Party, for more than fifteen years in the shadow of that of Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

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