The Limited Times

LIVE - Presidential 2022: the Macron-Le Pen duel promises to be tight

4/11/2022, 4:28:05 AM

The first polls of the second round show a short lead for the outgoing president, traveling to Hauts-de-France on Monday.

Outgoing President Emmanuel Macron would win in the second round against Marine Le Pen, with a score of between 54% and 51% against 46%-49% for the RN candidate, according to the first polls carried out on Sunday after the first round.

The score would thus be much tighter than five years ago when Emmanuel Macron won by 66.1% of the vote against 33.9% for Marine Le Pen.

Both qualified for the second round on Sunday, with around 28% of the vote for the incumbent president and around 23% for Marine Le Pen, according to estimates.


Presidential 2022: Emmanuel Macron's program

The tightest score for the second round is 51%-49%, according to the poll by the Ifop-fiducial institute for TF1 / LCI / Paris Match / Sud Radio.

Two other surveys give 54%-46%: that of the Ipsos Sopra-Steria France TV / Radio France / Le Parisien / LCP / RFI institute and that of OpinionWay for CNews / Europe1.

In detail, around a third (35%) of the voters of the candidate LR Valérie Pécresse would refer to Emmanuel Macron and just as much to Marine Le Pen, the remaining 30% opting for a blank vote, zero or abstention, according to the 'Ifop.

For OpinionWay, 43% of LR voters will support the outgoing president, against 27% for the far-right candidate.

The report of the votes of Jean-Luc Mélenchon's voters is also very scattered: 33% for Emmanuel Macron, 23% for Marine Le Pen and 44% white, zero or abstention, according to Ifop.

It would be 27% for the outgoing president and 21% for Marine Le Pen, according to Opinionway.

Three quarters of the voters of far-right polemicist Eric Zemmour say they want to vote for the RN candidate, against only 4% for the outgoing president, according to Ifop.


Presidential 2022: Marine Le Pen's program

The Ifop poll was carried out on Sunday from 8:01 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. with a sample of 968 people registered on the electoral lists extracted from a sample of 1,004 people representative of the French population aged 18 and over.

The margin of error is 3%.

That of OpinionWay was also carried out on Sunday with a sample of 1739 people.

That of Ipsos has a sample of 1172 people.

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