The Limited Times

Presidential 2022: there is no "agreement" with Nicolas Sarkozy, says Emmanuel Macron

4/13/2022, 6:59:00 AM

Invited on France 2, the Head of State nevertheless welcomed the support of the former President of the Republic.

It's a big rally.

Yesterday, the former President of the Republic Nicolas Sarkozy announced that he will give his vote to Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the presidential election.

To discover

  • LIVE - Presidential election: follow the start of the second round campaign

  • Presidential 2022: find here the result of the first round of the election

  • Second round: compare the programs of Macron and Le Pen

Read alsoSarkozy's support for Macron stirs up trouble among Les Républicains

After assuring that there was no particular "


" with the founder of the Republicans, Emmanuel Macron declared on France 2: "

I welcome the support of Nicolas Sarkozy who was very clear and who marked a membership support by recognizing myself in what I carry in Europe, on work.


The outgoing president then mentioned the recent support of Lionel Jospin, Bertrand Delanoe and Bernard Cazeneuve.


I welcome that too


In the times we live in, these supports oblige me.

There is a project of mine that won the most votes in the first round.

Now, I'm going to get a majority in the second round.


In his press release yesterday, Nicolas Sarkozy indicated that he believed that the outgoing president "

has the necessary experience in the face of a serious

international crisis that is

more complex than ever

", considering that Emmanuel Macron's economic program "

puts the valorization of work at the center of all its priorities

" and that its "

European commitment is clear and unambiguous


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