The Limited Times

Russia: dead in fire at military research institute

4/21/2022, 9:14:16 PM

In the Ukraine war, Iskander missiles cause death and destruction. Now a research institute near Moscow that is involved in the development of ballistic missiles has caught fire. Several people lost their lives.

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Collapsed roof, charred facade: the military research center in Tver was badly damaged

Photo: Vitaliy Smolnikov / AP

At least six people were killed and 27 others injured in a fire at a military rocket research institute in Russia, according to state media.

The fire broke out in an office of the institute in the city of Tver, northwest of Moscow, according to the state news agency Tass.

The government of the Tver region confirmed the fire at the institute, but did not name the number of victims.

The fire was said to have been extinguished.

According to initial findings, an unspecified defect in the power grid led to the fire.

Videos and photos showed how flames erupted from the building and thick clouds of smoke formed in the city.

Dozens of fire engines and a helicopter were deployed.

The building in the center of the city practically burned out, the roof collapsed.

Media reported that there could still be people under the rubble.

The research institute is considered a central institute of the Ministry of Defense and was involved in the development of the Iskander missile, which Russia is currently using intensively in the war against Ukraine.

Among other things, the institute develops navigation, control and steering systems for space travel, but also for combat aircraft and rockets.


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