The Limited Times

Marine Le Pen and the lost illusions of "de-demonization"

4/24/2022, 7:39:32 PM

GREAT STORY – With 42% of the vote, the candidate of the National Rally beats her 2017 score, but fails for the third time to be elected President of the French Republic.

Defeat is sweet.

But without appeal.

For the third time in her political career, after an exhausting campaign that lasted more than seven months, Marine Le Pen failed to climb the last step that separates her from the Élysée.

The disappointment within the nationalist camp is certain.

Never had the head of the National Rally seemed so close to power.

Until familiarity several times in the opinion polls with his rival Emmanuel Macron in the second round.

Alas, the deputy of Pas-de-Calais obtains 42% of the votes according to the first estimates of Ifop.

To discover

  • LIVE - 2022 Presidential Results: Macron re-elected, follow the election night here

  • Presidential 2022: find here the result of the second round of the election

To read also

Emmanuel Macron continues his march and anchors himself in History

“A great wind of freedom could have risen over the country.

The fate of the polls, which I respect, wanted it otherwise, ”

said Marine Le Pen without hiding a certain disappointment from the Pavillon d'Armenonville, in the 16th arrondissement of Paris.

"Despite two weeks of disloyal, brutal and violent campaigning, similar to those suffered daily by the French, the ideas we represent are coming to a...

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