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At the end of a 12-hour debate: The Knesset committee announced Amichai Shikli as a retiree - Walla! news

4/25/2022, 7:16:15 PM

Declaring a retiree has dramatic implications for Shikli's political future, which if he does not resign, he will not be able to run in the next election, and in the current Knesset he will be banned from being part of his faction and proposing no-confidence motions in the government. Shikli intends to appeal the decision to the district court

At the end of a 12-hour debate: The Knesset committee announced Amichai Shikli as a retiree

Declaring a retiree has dramatic implications for Shikli's political future, which if he does not resign, he will not be able to run in the next election, and in the current Knesset he will be banned from being part of his faction and proposing no-confidence motions in the government.

Shikli intends to appeal the decision to the district court

His dew


Monday, 25 April 2022, 21:00 Updated: 21:53

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In the video: A heated debate in the Knesset on the request to declare MK Shikli a retiree (Photo: Knesset Channel)

The Knesset committee this evening (Monday) announced MK Amichai Shikli as a retiree, after a 12-hour debate and a vote in the Knesset. Shikli intends to appeal the decision to the district court. After former coalition chairman Idit Silman did the same, she threatened the party's stability.

Seven MKs from the coalition supported the vote, and there were no opponents. MK Walid Taha from Ra'am boycotted the debate, MK Idit Silman participated in the debate but did not vote.

The opposition has six seats on the committee but only two are staffed because of the Likud's boycott of the Knesset committees and Ahmad Tibi and Yitzhak Pindros participated in the discussion but not in the vote.

The announcement of a resignation has dramatic implications for Shikli's political future and if he does not resign from the Knesset after the announcement, he will not be able to run in the next elections within the Likud or Religious Zionism, and even if he forms an independent party he will not run on a joint list.

This also has implications in the current Knesset - he will be banned from being part of a faction, he will not be able to propose no-confidence motions in the government, he will not receive ongoing party funding and will be able to submit private bills only at the expense of other factions;

This is true even if he wants to serve as a member of a committee - only if one of the other factions allocates him a seat.

In addition, if another government is formed in the current Knesset, Shikli will not be able to serve as a minister or deputy minister unless he resigns from the Knesset immediately after being declared retired, and then all sanctions and restrictions will be lifted.

More on Walla!

The Knesset committee discusses the declaration of Shikli as a retiree - these are the consequences of the move

To the full article

The announcement of a retiree has dramatic implications for his political future.

Shikli (Photo: Flash 90, Yonatan Zindel)

The decision to declare Shikli a retiree was made earlier this month, as part of the damage review following Silman's retirement and an attempt to prevent the disintegration to the right.

The move is intended to isolate Shikli Mesilman and prevent them from joining another MK from Bennett's party and splitting into a separate faction

. To oppose the formation of this government, one question was before my eyes, and that is whether I can even look at myself in the mirror and my answer was 'no' and I am very glad that my hand was not above. "He continued," Unfortunately Depreciation, a wave of terror like we have not seen in over a decade.

This weakness is not the hand of chance, it is the hand of this government. "

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  • Amichai Shikli

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