The Limited Times

Opinion | Thanks to Zionism, to the End of the World Israel today

4/26/2022, 8:10:13 PM

Each and every one of us is obligated to see himself as if he survived, as if he were "there" and struggled for the continuation of our existence • In our generation we remember and remember, swear, but also keep the eternal promise - "never again"

"In every generation a man must see himself as if he had come out of Egypt."

Just a week ago we sat around the Seder table, fathers and sons, families and children, in order to see ourselves as if we had left Egypt.

77 years since the Holocaust, which imitated no less than a third of our people, the law has become even more valid.

Each and every one of us is obligated to see himself as if he survived, as if he were "there" and struggling for the continuation of our existence.

In our generation we remember and remember, swear, but also keep the eternal promise - "Never again".

On the eve of the war, Jewish leaders around the world warned of the volcano that was about to erupt.

But the repeated calls for responsibility for the fate of the Jews fell on deaf ears, and the knocks on the gate were black and hallucinatory.

With the weakening of local leaderships during the Holocaust, the arms of the antisemitic octopus penetrated into the Jewish communities, dismantled a human photographer and blocked all hope.

The dimensions of the disaster and the atrocities moved people to their senses.

The Jews looked up pleadingly in search of who would lead, protect, give hope and lead.

Dependence on the mobilization of the nations of the world to save the situation has become a fabrication.

The helplessness of states left the Jewish people abandoned to their fate.

Today, for more than two months, millions of people, including many of our people, have become refugees on European soil - and the world is silent.

But with learning we suffered.

A nation that, in spite of every difficulty, succeeded in producing leaders out of it, who guided and accompanied it in all its journeys and hardships.

Out of the depth of the darkness and the intensity of the darkness, huge changes took place during the Holocaust, ones that affected the fate of every Jew.

Local leadership groups stood up, armed and struggled, just to maintain the dignity of our trampled people.

Others gave spiritual hope while trying to preserve a human photographer, through mutual guarantee and partnership of destiny.

Throughout its years, as well as in the dark days of the Holocaust, the Zionist movement inspired many leaders and also played an important role in leadership and leadership.

Our existential dependence on the graces of the nations of the world receded with the establishment of a Jewish state in the Land of Israel.

Local organizations, lacking weapons and defense, were converted into a strong and moral army.

On the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, we swear on behalf of all those who have been and are not -

we are here to tell about what happened, and to continue to protect every Jew everywhere in the world.

Were we wrong?


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